
In March 2012 the Public Opinion Research Centre in its survey dealt with the acceptability of certain ways of behavior in Czech society. 

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In the December survey Public Opinion Research Centre of the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic posed to all respondents a question: "How satisfied are you with your life? Are you very satisfied, rather satisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, rather dissatisfied, very dissatisfied?"

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Center for Public Opinion Research in the November survey examined views on the distribution of work between the partners in the family. Research participants also commented on the selected indicators of success in life for men and women.
>> Full text is available in Czech only <<

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In November survey of the Centre for Public Opinion Research citizens evalueted the importance of some life goals and expressed opinions on various forms of family life.
>> Full text is available in Czech only <<

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In May, The Public Opinion Research Centre examined the views on abortion, euthanasia and capital punishment. More than two-thirds of Czechs believe that a woman has a right to abortion. Nearly two-thirds agree with euthanasia and the same percentage agrees with the capital punishment.


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May survey of CVVM SOÚ AV ČR focused on the matter of values and their importance for Czech people.

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In May 2011, CVVM survey focused on public opinion on rights of gays and lesbians such as right to get married, right for registered partnership and right for children adoption.


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April survey of CVVM focused on public attitude and public relationships between Czech population and Romany minority. Survey showed that more than four fifths of Czech citizens (81%) see living together of Romany and non-Romany population as bad in Czech Republic generally, and three fifths (59%) evaluate the coexistence as bad in a place where they live.

>> Full text is available in Czech...

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In March 2011 CVVM survey investigated Czech public's views with regard to foreigners who live in the long term or permanently in the Czech Republic. 53 % of Czechs see foreign citizens living in the Czech Republic as a problem, 37 % claim the opposite. But, when people should consider their neighbourhood, not the Czech Republic as a whole country, 56 % think foreign citizens are not a problem.


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In March 2011 Public Opinion Research Centre focused on social distance among the major population and different social groups. Social distance was measured by a specific question: people should pick from a list of 15 different groups those, which they would not like to have as neighbours. The biggest distance was noticed towards drug addicts (89 % of Czechs would not want them to be their neighbours), people with criminal past (80%), people addicted to alcohol (79%) and also people with mental disease (63%).

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