Citizens about Coexistence with Romanies and on Their Chances in Society

Coexistence of Romanies and the rest of the population is perceived by a large part of the public as being problematic. While in general, relations between people at the place, where they live, were described as bad only by 16.4 % of respondents, in the case of coexistence of Romanies and other citizens in their neighbourhoods critical opinions were voiced by a half (50.5 %) of respondents of those that before had said that in the vicinity of the place, where they lived, there were some Romanies living.

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Our Relations with Other Nationalities

From the nationalities living in this country, we have the best relations with citizens of the Czech nationality and Slovaks. Czechs also find likeable Poles and Germans. On the other hand, we think that citizens from the former USSR and Balkan states are least likeable, and our worst relation is with Romanies. When evaluating our relations with nationalities in general, first place was occupied by Czechs and Slovaks, after them French, Swedes, English and Poles.

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Opinions on Marriage and Parenthood

Liberal answers prevailed for questions relating to marriage and partnership, on the other hand the last statements relating to parenthood and bringing up children were answered with conservative opinions. The most controversial question was the one asking for the opinion on justification of an abortion, if there is a risk to the health of the woman or the child. On this issue, respondents equally split into same-sized opposing groups.

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Ideas about the Best Age for Starting a Family and Actual Data

When comparing the actual data and the ideal there is a certain problem lying in the fact that while the survey covers respondents of all age categories over 15 years of age, people involved in reproduction are aged mostly between 20 to 35 years of age. Therefore, the opinions of the youngest respondents, in our case people under 30, are decisive. Compared with the other respondents, this group also partially differed in its opinions, when they more often consider 30 years or more to be the ideal age of newly-weds and mothers of the first child.

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Attitudes of the Public to Controversial Topics of Partner Co-habitation

In the January Public Opinion Research Centre survey, a question from the ISSP international survey, which took place in the Czech Republic in 1999, was used. The target was to establish if and how the opinions of the public about premarital and out-of-marriage sex as well as sex between partners of the same sex had changed. Premarital sexual activities were valued in the most tolerant way, out-of-marriage sexual relations of married women and men are not seen that forgivingly.

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Division of Family Functions

Citizens still have the persisting concept of a man – the breadwinner and on the other hand a woman looking after the household and children. Particularly, the man should financially support the family. Then there are activities, which should be carried out by both partners, or should belong more to men – pursuit of a professional career, further education, getting involved in social functions, initiative in sex, hobbies.

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The Public about Tolerance

The public is most often tolerant to youth, people with other religious beliefs and invalids. These answers were given by more than 80 % of citizens. Compared with 2000, tolerance toward the rich and people with a different political belief increased.

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Contentment with Personal Life and Concerns of the Public

Approximately, a half of respondents (52 %) express contentment with their personal life, a little more than a third (36 %) is half-satisfied and for 12 % dissatisfaction prevails. The results displayed in Table No. 1 show that the attitude to personal life has gradually changed only a little since 1996, when this question was given to the respondents for the first time. Satisfaction during the entire period ranges between 51 – 55 %, dissatisfaction represents 11 – 15 %.

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