Expertise, quality, objectivity

Of all the monitored areas, citizens took the most negative view of the current state of corruption and security. A substantial majority of those polled (two thirds in the event of corruption) voiced their dissatisfaction with these issues. The prevalence of dissatisfaction is also quite noticeable in the assessment of the judicature and the state of the legal environment. A more critical than positive assessment is given to one’s own possibilities to participate in the decision-making process about public affairs and the functioning of authorities.

As regards these two spheres, the dissatisfaction does not, however, outweigh the total percentage of those who are generally or at least half satisfied. In respect of the assessment of the current state in the health sector, the number of the dissatisfied is slightly greater than the number of the satisfied, whereas the two per cent are identical in the assessment of the education sector. Those polled were most optimistic about the current state of the environment with which less than a fifth of respondents were dissatisfied, as opposed to a third that expressed satisfaction.