Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2019, 20 (2): 173-175
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2019, 20 (2): 169-172
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2019, 20 (2): 168
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2019, 20 (2): 162-167
Review of book Jha, M. R. 2016. The Global Beauty Industry: Racism, Colorism and the National Body. New York: Routledge.
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2019, 20 (2): 158-162
Review of book Hammad, H. 2016. Industrial Sexuality: Gender, Urbanization, and Social Transformation in Egypt. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2019, 20 (2): 154-158
Review of book Özyürek, E. 2015. Being German, Becoming Muslim: Race, Religion, and Conversion in the New Europe. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press.
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2019, 20 (2): 124-153 | DOI: 10.13060/25706578.2019.20.2.487
Entrepreneurship may be associated with independence and profit, but it may also be a precarious type of employment. Self-employment is often a strategy for those groups of workers who face marginalisation and disadvantages on the labour market, such as mothers of young children or migrants. In this paper we use an intersectional approach and draw on the theory of precarity to analyse how Czech and Ukrainian entrepreneurs with small children (in the Czech Republic) describe and perceive precarity in self-employment. Our analysis shows that entrepreneurship is a form of precarious work, especially for mothers of young children. Their social position,...
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2019, 20 (2): 108-122 | DOI: 10.13060/25706578.2019.20.2.486
By the early 1990s there were clear signs of the emergence of a new gender discourse that came to be labelled ‘Islamic feminism’. In this paper, I first set this new discourse against the backdrop of the global and local politics of Islam and gender in the latter part of the 20th century. Then I introduce the work of feminist scholar-activists who argue for equality and justice from inside the Muslim tradition, outline how they seek to change the terms of traditional Islamic discourses on gender, and consider their prospects of success. I shall focus on Musawah (, a global movement for equality and justice in the Muslim family.
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2019, 20 (2): 84-106 | DOI: 10.13060/25706578.2019.20.2.485
This article explores how young displaced Iraqi Sunni Muslim women negotiate religious identity in diaspora, and how veiling becomes an expression of a new politicised Islamic feminism. Veiling continues to be the focus of ideological debates about Islam and women’s rights in the Muslim world and in the global diaspora of displaced refugees. Young refugee and migrant women find themselves at the intersection of new and old Muslim communities, secular and religious feminisms, and first- and second-generation ideals of female modesty. Based on oral histories conducted with Arab and Kurdish Sunni Iraqi women now resettled in the Toronto and Detroit...
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2019, 20 (2): 68-83 | DOI: 10.13060/25706578.2019.20.2.484
This paper looks at the religious discourse of sexuality in post-revolutionary Iran. Based on my ethnographic fieldwork in Tehran, I discuss how in state-sponsored publications and official education traditional religious rules of sexuality such as tamkin are redefined in relation to society’s new demands. I discuss the role played by religious workshops for married couples in justifying Islamic moral codes of behaviour that regulate and control Iranians’ sexual lives. However, this paper argues that Islamic sex education is changing the perception of sex and female sexuality amongst its young religious audience. Such changes...
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2019, 20 (2): 47-66 | DOI: 10.13060/25706578.2019.20.2.483
This article explores feminisms and women’s activisms in today’s Iraq and highlights the heterogeneity of both their religious and secular expressions in analysing them in relation to each other rather than as distinct. I argue that not only do we need to go beyond the Islamist/secular dichotomy but we need to analyse what’s in-between these categories. In order to understand their in-betweenness, Iraqi women’s activisms and feminisms have to be examined in their imbricated and complex social, economic and political contexts both discursive and material. I start by reflecting on conceptual considerations regarding...
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2019, 20 (2): 26-46 | DOI: 10.13060/25706578.2019.20.2.482
The Western focus on ‘Islamic feminism’ takes two extreme forms: it is often dismissed as an oxymoron for attaching a religious (patriarchal) adjective to an emancipatory feminist project, or it is hailed as a road to a liberal, reformed Islam. Many Muslim feminists refuse to use this term; some reject feminism outright. There is consequently a tension within the term that many Muslim women activists acknowledge. In order to gain a better understanding of how religious and secular discourses combine in ‘feminism in Islam’, this text aims to examine the place of religion in women’s emancipatory strategies. When we...
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2019, 20 (2): 3-24 | DOI: 10.13060/25706578.2019.20.2.481
Muslimské feministky a jejich hledání genderově rovnostářského islámu
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2019, 20 (1): 189-192
Zpráva z jarní školy
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2019, 20 (1): 185-189
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2019, 20 (1): 180-185
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2019, 20 (1): 177-180
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2019, 20 (1): 170-176
Recenze knihy Debrecéniová, J., ed.: Ženy - Matky - Telá II
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2019, 20 (1): 164-170
Recenze knihy Valdrová, J.: Reprezentace ženství z perspektivy lingvistiky genderových a sexuálních identit
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2019, 20 (1): 159-164
Recenze knihy Sekeráková Búriková, Z.: Panie k deťom a na upratovanie
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2019, 20 (1): 154-159
Recenze knihy Bahna, M., Sekulová, M.: Crossborder Care
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2019, 20 (1): 149-154
Recenze knihy Caraus, T., Paris, E., eds.: Migration, Protest Movements and the Politics of Resistance
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2019, 20 (1): 128-148 | DOI: 10.13060/25706578.2019.20.1.466
The article is based on the theoretical framework of the ethics of care while examining the media narratives of sex education that emerged in connection with one of the questions in the Slovak Referendum on the Family in 2015. The first part of the article describes the approach of the ethics of care inspired by the work of Joan Tronto and other scholars as an analytic framework for the study of public policies. By means of critical frame analysis, the article also examines the subjectivity of children and young people in narrative interviews and looks at how these dominant actors define the provision of this education as a form of care. The article...
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2019, 20 (1): 106-127 | DOI: 10.13060/25706578.2019.20.1.465
The article explores how public health policies may be used by the state to (re)gain its legitimacy. The author examines this through the example of the use of vaccination policies in Angola, a Southern African country torn apart by thirty years of civil war. In particular, the author looks at how the Angolan government has managed to regain control of the country, understood as both a territory and a population, and focuses on the construction of the Angolan nation and the key role of women in this tactic. Vaccination policies have been used with four non-medical purposes: to reconquer the territory, to frame the nursing workforce, to shape motherhood,...
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2019, 20 (1): 92-104 | DOI: 10.13060/25706578.2019.20.1.464
The global expansion of deportation regimes has spurred an analogous expansion of migrant detention. Arguably even more than the onerous punitive power of deportation, detention imposes the sovereign power of a state on the lives of non-citizens in a manner that transmutes their status into de facto legal non-personhood. That is to say, with detention, the condition of deportable migrants culminates in summary (and sometimes indefinite) incarceration on the basis of little more than their sheer existential predicament as 'undesirable' non-citizens, often with little or no recourse to any form of legal remedy or appeal and frequently no semblance to...
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2019, 20 (1): 68-90 | DOI: 10.13060/25706578.2019.20.1.463
This paper seeks to analyse the material and social practices of Ukrainian transnational mothers - female domestic workers - who are living and working in the Czech Republic. The author focuses on the specific emotional nature of domestic work - precarious working conditions and interactions with employers - which has become an important source of their income. In the second part of the paper, the author focuses on the social and sentimental significance of material objects (gifts) and remittances for the experience and practice of transnational motherhood. She explains how the consumption of remittances for their children works as an important strategy...
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2019, 20 (1): 40-66 | DOI: 10.13060/25706578.2019.20.1.462
This article ethnographically explores how Central and West African masculinities and femininities are shaped and reshaped at the Moroccan-Spanish border in the context of the increased securitisation and politicisation of migrations from the global South to the global North. Apart from the migration regime at the outer border of the European Union, it also examines the role of the humanitarian regime in policing black migrants' gender identities. It aims to address an important aspect of the mobility experiences and bordering effects that tends to go under-researched. Drawing on long-term fieldwork, which was carried out between 2015 and 2017, it...
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2019, 20 (1): 18-38 | DOI: 10.13060/25706578.2019.20.1.461
This article focuses on the ritual modifications of female genitalia. It compares interventions in male and female genitalia on the one hand and ritual and cosmetic female interventions on the other in order to show the double standard used in Western countries. The main goal is to call for a more complex articulation of gender at the intersection with migration status, ethnicity, and neo-colonial relations and to argue in favour of more effective ways to abandon practices that are dangerous for young girls.
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2019, 20 (1): 3-17 | DOI: 10.13060/25706578.2019.20.1.467
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2018, 19 (2): 212-215