


Library of the Institute of Physiology AS CR, v.v.i. provides access to both traditional paper-based and electronic resources for the whole campus of biomedical institutes in Prague-Krč. It is a public library and the selected service is provided to the users which is mostly students and scientists.  The library´s book fund in the range of 80 000 books and magazines ranks library among the largest libraries of scientific institutes of the Academy of Sciences. The library has its own web.


Provided service:

  • information service
  • service based on the latest information technologies
  • access to the print sources
  • access to the specialist databases
  • on-line access to the magazines and information
  • interlibrary and international interlibrary loan service
  • research from professional databases
  • making copies of library publications only


  Mgr. Lucie Trajhanová
head of department

Blanka Liberová

deputy head of the department     


Zuzana Nováková

Helena Sedláková

Monika Stloukalová