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Photosynthetica, 2018 (vol. 56), issue 3


Ameliorative role of salicylic acid and spermidine in the presence of excess salt in Lycopersicon esculentum

Q. Fariduddin, T. A. Khan, M. Yusuf, S. T. Aafaqee, R. R. A. E. Khalil

Photosynthetica 2018, 56(3):750-762 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-017-0727-y

Salicylic acid (SA) and polyamines (PA) are widely used to overcome various abiotic stresses including salt (NaCl) stress in plants. In the present investigation, co-application efficacies of SA and PA on the salt stress (200 mM NaCl) were evaluated in Lycopersicon esculentum. After transplantation, at 10-d stage, seedlings were exposed to NaCl through soil and then allowed to grow till 30-d stage. At 31-d stage of growth, plants were sprayed with double distilled water (control) or spermidine (1.0 mM) and/or SA (10-5 M). The salt stress significantly reduced the growth, gas-exchange parameters, but increased antioxidant enzymes and...

Comparative studies of compatible and incompatible pepper-Tobamovirus interactions and the evaluation of effects of 24-epibrassinolide

A. Janeczko, M. Dziurka, G. Gullner, M. Kocurek, M. Rys, D. Saja, A. Skoczowski, I. Tóbiás, A. Kornas, B. Barna

Photosynthetica 2018, 56(3):763-775 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-017-0725-0

The aim of study was to gain a deeper knowledge about local and systemic changes in photosynthetic processes and sugar production of pepper infected by Obuda pepper virus (ObPV) and Pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV). PSII efficiency, reflectance, and gas exchange were measured 48 and/or 72 h after inoculation (hpi). Sugar accumulation was checked 72 hpi and 20 d after inoculation (as a systemic response). Inoculation of leaves with ObPV led to appearance of hypersensitive necrotic lesions (incompatible interaction), while PMMoV caused no visible symptoms (compatible interaction). ObPV (but not PMMoV) lowered Fv/Fm...

Bi-directional acclimation of Cycas micronesica leaves to abrupt changes in incident light in understory and open habitats

T. E. Marler

Photosynthetica 2018, 56(3):776-785 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-017-0730-3

Leaf gas-exchange responses to shadefleck-sunfleck and sun-cloud transitions were determined for in situ Cycas micronesica K.D. Hill plants on the island of Guam to add cycads to the published gymnosperm data. Sequential sunfleck-shadefleck transitions indicated understory leaves primed rapidly but open field leaves primed slowly. Time needed to reach 90% induction of net CO2 assimilation (PN) was 2.9 min for understory leaves and 13.9 min for open field leaves. Leaf responses to sun-cloud transitions exhibited minimal adjustment of stomatal conductance, so PN rapidly returned to precloud values...

Responses of Pinus pinea seedlings to moderate drought and shade: is the provenance a differential factor?

M. Pardos, R. Calama

Photosynthetica 2018, 56(3):786-798 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-017-0732-1

The widespread Mediterranean Pinus pinea showed exceptionally low genetic diversity and low differentiation between traits in the adult phase. We explored the adaptation potential of seedlings from four main Iberian provenances during their regeneration phase. We assessed the variability of shoot growth, allometry, physiological traits, and phenotypic plasticity to the interactive effect of light and water environments during 8-month moderate water-stress cycle and after one-week heat wave. The effect of shade and drought was mainly orthogonal whatever the provenance. The inland La Mancha provenance showed higher shoot growth and biomass compared...

Comparative study of the effects of salinity and UV radiation on metabolism and morphology of the red macroalga Acanthophora spicifera (Rhodophyta, Ceramiales)

D. T. Pereira, C. Simioni, L. C. Ouriques, F. Ramlov, M. Maraschin, N. Steiner, F. Chow, Z. L. Bouzon, É. C. Schmidt

Photosynthetica 2018, 56(3):799-810 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-017-0731-2

Increase of harmful radiation to the Earth's surface due to ozone depletion results in higher exposure to harmful ultraviolet- B radiation (UV), while fluctuations in seawater salinity may alter water density, ionic concentration, nutrient uptake, and osmotic pressure. This study evaluated the effects of salinity and UV on metabolism and morphology of Acanthophora spicifera (M.Vahl) Børgesen. Water with 30 and 37 psu [g(salt) kg-1(sea water)] was used for experiments during 7 d of exposure to UV (3 h per day). We demonstrated that UV treatment predisposed, irrespective of salinity, A. spicifera to a decrease in its growth...

Effects of salt stress on low molecular antioxidants and redox state of plastoquinone and P700 in Arabidopsis thaliana (glycophyte) and Eutrema salsugineum (halophyte)

M. Wiciarz, E. Niewiadomska, J. Kruk

Photosynthetica 2018, 56(3):811-819 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-017-0733-0

The effects of NaCl treatment were analysed in two species of considerably different resistance. In glycophyte, the content of ascorbate decreased but lipophilic antioxidants (α-tocopherol, plastochromanol, and hydroxy-plastochromanol) increased due to 150 mM NaCl. In halophyte, 300 mM NaCl caused a significant increase in hydrophilic antioxidants (ascorbate, total glutathione) but not in the lipophilic antioxidants. The redox states of plastoquinone (PQ) and P700 were also differently modulated by salinity in both species, as illustrated by an increased oxidation of these components in glycophyte. The presented data suggest that E. salsugineum...

Photochemical changes and oxidative damage in four foxtail millet varieties following exposure to sethoxydim

M. J. Guo, Y. G. Wang, S. Q. Dong, Y. Y. Wen, X. E. Song, P. Y. Guo

Photosynthetica 2018, 56(3):820-831 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-017-0734-z

In order to assess its response to the herbicide, sethoxydim (SEY), seedlings of two foxtail millet (Setaria italica) hybrids were exposed to 0.75, 1.5, 3, and 6 L(SEY active ingredient, ai) ha-1 for 7 and 15 d. Our results showed that SEY reduced photosynthesis and oxidative stress in the hybrid millet (Zhangza) at the dosage below 1.5 L(ai) ha-1 (i.e., recommended dosage), whereas it caused death of Jingu 21 at all treatment dosages. In addition, we further explored the effect of SEY on PSI and PSII; the hybrid millet showed a greater tolerance to SEY and also the ability to recover. In conclusion, the hybrid millet...

Effect of high light intensity on the photosynthetic apparatus of two hybrid lines of Paulownia grown on soils with different salinity

M. Stefanov, E. Yotsova, Y. Markovska, E. L. Apostolova

Photosynthetica 2018, 56(3):832-840 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-017-0735-y

The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the simultaneous action of light stress and salinity. Pulse amplitude modulated chlorophyll fluorescence, P700 redox state, and pigment analysis were used to assess the impact of high light intensity on Paulownia tomentosa × fortunei and Paulownia elongata × elongata grown on soils with different salinity. It was found that light stress reduced the amount of pigments and the efficiency of photochemical energy conversion, inhibited the maximum and the effective quantum yields of PSII photochemistry, decreased photochemical quenching and photosynthetic rate. Data...

Virus-induced changes in photosynthetic parameters and peroxidase isoenzyme contents in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) plants

I. M. Huseynova, S. M. Mirzayeva, N. F. Sultanova, D. R. Aliyeva, N. Sh. Mustafayev, J. A. Aliyev

Photosynthetica 2018, 56(3):841-850 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-017-0737-9

Tomato samples were collected from the field of Absheron peninsula in Azerbaijan in order to evaluate the incidence of main Tobamoviruses. According to results of serological and molecular tests, Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV), Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), and Pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV) were detected as single and mixed infections (TMV + PMMoV; ToMV + PMMoV) in various tomato samples. It was found that Tobamovirus infection caused an increase in the content of malondialdehyde, alterations in the activities of peroxidase enzymes and quantitative and qualitative changes in their molecular isoforms. A comparison of thylakoid membrane...

Long-term acclimation of barley photosynthetic apparatus to narrow-band red and blue light

G. V. Kochetova, O. B. Belyaeva, D. S. Gorshkova, T. A. Vlasova, E. M. Bassarskaya, T. V. Zhigalova, O. V. Avercheva

Photosynthetica 2018, 56(3):851-860 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-017-0736-x

Chloroplasts of barley plants grown under red light (RL, 660 nm) dramatically differed from the chloroplasts of plants raised under blue light (BL, 450 nm) or control plants (white light). The chloroplasts under RL had an extensive membrane system with high stacking degree and disordered irregular shaped stacks (shaggy-formed grana). After 5 h in darkness, dynamic rearrangements of chloroplast architecture in RL- and especially BL-grown plants were restricted compared with control plants. The light spectral quality affected the content and proportions of photosynthetic pigments. The leaves of RL-grown plants had the increased ratio of low-temperature...

Energy dissipation and antioxidant enzyme system protect photosystem II of sweet sorghum under drought stress

Y. Y. Guo, S. S. Tian, S. S. Liu, W. Q. Wang, N. Sui

Photosynthetica 2018, 56(3):861-872 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-017-0741-0

The effect of drought stress on energy dissipation and antioxidant enzyme system in two sweet sorghum inbred lines (M-81E and Roma) was investigated. Results showed that the germination indicator increased more in M-81E than that in Roma under rehydration. Under drought stress, both the maximal photochemical efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm) and oxidoreductive activity (ΔI/I0) of Roma decreased more than those in M-81E. Relative to Fv/Fm, the ΔI/I0 decreased markedly, which indicated that PSI was more sensitive to drought stress than PSII. Increases in the reduction state of QA (1-qp), nonphotochemical...

Effect of foliar application of brassinolide on photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence traits of Leymus chinensis under varying levels of shade

A. J. Yang, S. A. Anjum, L. Wang, J. X. Song, X. F. Zong, J. Lv, A. Zohaib, I. Ali, R. Yan, Y. Zhang, Y. F. Dong, S. G. Wang

Photosynthetica 2018, 56(3):873-883 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-017-0742-z

The present study was conducted to determine the effect of exogenous application of brassinolide (BR) on Leymus chinensis grown under shade, i.e., control (100% natural light), mild shade (70% natural light), and moderate shade (50% natural light). Shade substantially enhanced the plant growth, synthesis of photosynthetic pigments, photosynthetic efficiency, and chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence attributes of L. chinensis as compared with control. The order of increase was mild shade > moderate shade > natural light except Chl content, where the order of increase was moderate shade > mild shade > natural light. Likewise, application...

Effect of melatonin priming on photosynthetic capacity of tomato leaves under low-temperature stress

X. L. Yang, H. Xu, D. Li, X. Gao, T. L. Li, R. Wang

Photosynthetica 2018, 56(3):884-892 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-017-0748-6

Melatonin has different functions in plant growth and development, especially in the protection of plants suffering from various forms of abiotic stress. We explored the effect of melatonin priming on photosynthetic activity of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) leaves. Our results showed that 100 µM is the optimal concentration used for alleviation of the damage to photosynthetic apparatus. Melatonin priming both in the form of leaf spray and direct root application was found to reduce the damage to photosynthetic apparatus, and increase the electron transfer rate and quantum yield of PSI and PSII photochemistry, to protect the thylakoid...

Effects of the interaction between vapor-pressure deficit and salinity on growth and photosynthesis of Cucumis sativus seedlings under different CO2 concentrations

T. Shibuya, K. Kano, R. Endo, Y. Kitaya

Photosynthetica 2018, 56(3):893-900 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-017-0746-8

We studied growth and photosynthesis of cucumber (Cucumis sativus) seedlings under two vapor-pressure deficit levels (VPD; 0.4 and 3.0 kPa), two salinity levels (0 mM and 34 mM NaCl), and two CO2 concentrations ([CO2]; 400 and 1,000 μmol mol-1). Relative growth rate (RGR) decreased with increasing VPD, but the causal factor differed between salinity levels and CO2 concentrations. Under ambient [CO2], RGR decreased with increasing VPD at low salinity mainly due to decreased leaf area ratio (LAR), and decreased net assimilation rate (NAR) at high salinity. The decrease in intercellular...

Growth and photosynthetic response of two larches exposed to O3 mixing ratios ranging from preindustrial to near future

T. Sugai, D. G. Kam, E. Agathokleous, M. Watanabe, K. Kita, T. Koike

Photosynthetica 2018, 56(3):901-910 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-017-0747-7

In this study, we questioned whether ground-level ozone (O3) induces hormesis in Japanese larch (Larix kaempferi) and its hybrid F1 (L. gmelinii var. japonica × L. kaempferi). In order to answer the question, we exposed seedlings of both taxa to four O3 treatments [ranging from ≈10 to 60 nmol(O3) mol-1] in open-top chambers for two consecutive growing seasons. We found a hormetic response in maximum photosynthetic rate (PNmax) at 1700 μmol(CO2) mol-1 and maximum rates of carboxylation (Vcmax) and electron...

The impact of elevated CO2 and water deficit stress on growth and photosynthesis of juvenile cacao (Theobroma cacao L.).

F. Lahive, P. Hadley, A. J. Daymond

Photosynthetica 2018, 56(3):911-920 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-017-0743-y

Atmospheric CO2 concentration continues to rise and is predicted to reach approximately 700 ppm by 2100. Some predictions suggest that the dry season in West Africa could be extended with climate change. This study examined the effects of elevated CO2 concentration and water deficit on growth and photosynthesis of juvenile cacao. Light-saturated photosynthesis (Pmax), quantum efficiency, and intrinsic water-use efficiency increased significantly in response to elevated CO2, as did a range of growth and development responses (e.g. leaf area and leaf number), but the magnitude of the increase...

Response of dominant grassland species in the temperate steppe of Inner Mongolia to different land uses at leaf and ecosystem levels

M. Liu, J. R. Gong, Y. Pan, Q. P. Luo, Z. W. Zhai, L. L. Yang, S. Xu

Photosynthetica 2018, 56(3):921-931 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-017-0711-6

In order to study the responses of dominant species to different land uses in the semiarid temperate grassland of Inner Mongolia, we tested the physiological responses of Stipa grandis, Leymus chinensis, and Artemisia frigida to mowing, grazing exclusion, and grazing land uses at the leaf and ecosystem levels. The grazing-exclusion and mowing sites released CO2, but the grazing site was a net carbon sink. L. chinensis and S. grandis contributed more to the ecosystem CO2 exchange than A. frigida. At the grazing-exclusion and mowing sites, Leymus chinensis and Stipa grandis...

Seasonal dynamics of photosynthesis and total carbon gain in bearing and nonbearing pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) shoots

G. Marino, M. La Mantia, T. Caruso, F. P. Marra

Photosynthetica 2018, 56(3):932-941 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-017-0752-x

Seasonal changes in leaf gas exchange, assimilation response to light and leaf area were monitored in bearing and nonbearing pistachio shoots. Shoot bearing status did not directly affect leaf photosynthetic rate. However, photosynthetic light-response curves strongly varied during the season demonstrating the dominant effect of the tree's seasonal phenology on assimilation. Early in the season low photosynthetic rates were associated with high rates of dark respiration indicating limited photosynthesis in the young leaves. As leaves matured, dark respiration decreased and assimilation reached maximum values. Photosynthetic efficiency was strongly...

Combined effects of elevated CO2 concentration and drought stress on photosynthetic performance and leaf structure of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) seedlings

B. B. Liu, M. Li, Q. M. Li, Q. Q. Cui, W. D. Zhang, X. Z. Ai, H. G. Bi

Photosynthetica 2018, 56(3):942-952 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-017-0753-9

Drought stress is one of the main environmental factors limiting plant growth and productivity of many crops. Elevated carbon dioxide concentration (eCO2) can ameliorate, mitigate, or compensate for the negative impact of drought on plant growth and enable plants to remain turgid and functional for a longer period. In order to investigate the combined effects of eCO2 and drought stress on photosynthetic performance and leaf structures, we analyzed photosynthetic characteristics and structure and ultrastructure of cucumber leaves. The decline in net photosynthetic rate under moderate drought stress occurred due to stomatal limitation...

Prompt chlorophyll fluorescence as a tool for crop phenotyping: an example of barley landraces exposed to various abiotic stress factors

H. M. Kalaji, A. Rastogi, M. Živčák, M. Brestic, A. Daszkowska-Golec, K. Sitko, K. Y. Alsharafa, R. Lotfi, P. Stypiński, I. A. Samborska, M. D. Cetner

Photosynthetica 2018, 56(3):953-961 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-018-0766-z

The study examined photosynthetic efficiency of two barley landraces (cvs. Arabi Abiad and Arabi Aswad) through a prompt fluorescence technique under influence of 14 different abiotic stress factors. The difference in the behavior of photosynthetic parameters under the same stress factor in-between cv. Arabi Abiad and cv. Arabi Aswad indicated different mechanisms of tolerance and strategies for the conversion of light energy into chemical energy for both the landraces. This study confirmed the suitability of some chlorophyll fluorescence parameters as reliable biomarkers for screening the plants at the level of photosynthetic apparatus.

Effects of humic acid on photosynthetic efficiency of rapeseed plants growing under different watering conditions

R. Lotfi, H. M. Kalaji, G. R. Valizadeh, E. Khalilvand Behrozyar, A. Hemati, P. Gharavi-Kochebagh, A. Ghassemi

Photosynthetica 2018, 56(3):962-970 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-017-0745-9

Water is a limited resource and is likely to become even more restricted with climate change. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of humic acid (HA) applications on photosynthesis efficiency of rapeseed plants under different watering conditions. Water stress strongly increased electron transport flux, probability that trapped excitation can move an electron into the electron transport chain beyond QA, and quantum yield of reduction of end electron acceptors at the PSI acceptor side. Application of HA decreased the values of these parameters to be similar to those of non-stress conditions. We found that, the application of HA...

Impact of intraspecific competition on photosynthetic apparatus efficiency in potato (Solanum tuberosum) plants

J. Olechowicz, C. Chomontowski, P. Olechowicz, S. Pietkiewicz, A. Jajoo, M. H. Kalaji

Photosynthetica 2018, 56(3):971-975 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-017-0728-x

Unfavourable growth conditions significantly determine the yield of crop plants. Intraspecific competition is a condition in which plants compete with each other for environmental resources. An excessive density contributes to increased competition within species, which results in disruption of photosynthesis process. According to this idea, experiments were conducted to investigate the photosynthetic response of potato (Solanum tuberosum) plants to excessive congestion. Two potato varieties of different earliness classes (Vineta and Satina) were used to evaluate the efficiency of the photosynthetic apparatus based on chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence...

Brief Communications

Short-term effects of surface dust: alleviating photoinhibition of cotton under high irradiance in the Tarim Basin

L. Li, G. Mu

Photosynthetica 2018, 56(3):976-980 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-017-0744-x

Dust deposition on leaf surfaces can impact the growth and physiological traits of plants. We carried out a field experiment to investigate short-term effects of light surface dust on photosynthesis of cotton in the Tarim Basin using chlorophyll fluorescence and gas-exchange techniques. JIP-test analysis of OJIP curves showed that the total performance index for leaves without dust decreased by 32% at noon compared to the morning value. High irradiance at noon reduced actual quantum yield of PSII and increased nonphotochemical quenching for leaves without dust, showing photoinhibition. It suggested that light surface dust alleviated photoinhibition...