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Accessing Resources Remotely

Step by Step Instructions

Users should be able to get access to the databases at Charles University E-resources Portal.

  • Obtain your username
    a. The username is the personal number under the photo on your student/staff CUNI card.
    b. If you can not find your personal number on this card, the library is able to find it for you. Contact jana.koudelkova@cerge-ei.cz or tomas.pavela@cerge-ei.cz or library@cerge-ei.cz.
  • Change your initial password here, after getting it from card issuing office in “Informačně-poradenské centrum UK”, Celetna st., no.13 (the initial password is valid 10 days).
  • Create a new password, if you do not have the initial password or have forgotten it
    a. With your username and your date of birth you can generate a password yourself with this form.
    b. After filling out the form, you will receive an email, and you must confirm using the link inside the email!
  • Login at http://pez.cuni.cz/prehled/fakulta.php?lang=en&id=37

The Library is also ready to help you with any problems logging in to the Charles University E-resources Portal; contact library@cerge-ei.cz

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