Entered keyword "elites" yielded 88 results.
Authors: Brokl, Lubomír, Zdenka Mansfeldová
This provocative and stimulating book argues that the structures and processes of elite politics in postcommunist Eastern Europe are critical determinants of democracy and political stability in the region. The East European regime transition were initiated and carried through pr...
Authors: Mansfeldová, Zdenka, Barbora Špicarová Stašková
The chapter focuses on national and European identity and examines, whether Europe is united or still divides concerning the new European identity. First part outlines the multiple natures of identity and different types of territorial attachment; the second one examines the posi...
Authors: Machonin, Pavel, Milan Tuček
Authors: Mansfeldová, Zdenka, Barbora Špicarová Stašková
The article examines the perception of national and European identities from the viewpoint of political and economic elite. It examines the components of both identities, the relationship between national and European identities. The study is based on quantitative survey and comp...
Authors: Mansfeldová, Zdenka
ESF Scientific Network Project, co-ordinated by Heinrich Best (University of Jena) and Maurizio Cotta (University of Siena).
Project duration: 2002 - 2004
13. 10. 2005
ELITY A ROZŠÍŘENÍ EU, Praha 17.-18. 2. 2006, třetí z řady šesti mezinárodních workshopů networku pro výzkum elit, na téma: Resistence a podpora veřejnosti pro různé typy integrace do EU mezi novými členskými zeměmi ze střední a východní Evropy.
16. 2. 2006
V pátek 17. února ve 13.00 bude zahájena ve vile Akademie věd ČR Lanna (V sadech 1, Praha 6) dvoudenní mezinárodní sociologická konference na téma „Elity a rozšiřování Evropské unie“.
Tomáš Kostelecký, Jana Vobecká (eds.): Regional Elites 2004, Jana Stachová: Civil Society in the Regions of the Czech Republic
19. 11. 2020
What is the nature of citizen-politician linkages in the 21st century? This question is highly relevant today due to the crisis of representative democracy, decreasing trust in political elites and democratic institutions. At the same time, established parties are faced with the...
Public Opinion Research Centre, Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Jilská 1, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic tel./fax: +420 286 840 129, +420 210 310 591
The aim of the project is to investigate the views of European political representatives on the current state of European integration. The survey focuses in particular on the views of members of national parliaments such as you on the ability of EU institutions and policies to fa...
Project duration: 2016 - 2018
Cílem projektu bylo „na základě vícestranné rekonstrukce procedur komunistického vládnutí rozpoznat, popsat a teoreticky uchopit mechanismus strategie vládnutí v reálném socialismu a zdroje jeho polistopadové setrvačnosti.“
V rámci projektu vznikla řada publikací:
Hájek, M., Hole...
Project duration: 2001 - 2003
Authors: Linek, Lukáš, Pat Lyons
Using one of the first surveys of party members undertaken in Central and Eastern Europe, this study outlines the socio-demographic and attitudinal profile of Czech Christian Democratic (KDU-ČSL) party members. An exploration of the cohesiveness of KDU-ČSL party members and Czech...
Authors: Vobecka, Jana
This book studies the unique demographic behavior of Jews in Bohemia, starting from a moment in history when industrialization in Central Europe was far away in the future and when Jews were still living legally restricted lives in ghettos. Under conditions not stipulated by conv...
Authors: Lyons, Pat
This monograph explores public and elite opinion toward events associated with the Prague Spring of 1968 in Czechoslovakia. This investigation is based on an analysis of a unique collection of aggregate and individual level survey datasets. The central goal of this study is to il...
Authors: Radimská, Radka
Pierre Bourdieu, the living legend of French sociological theory, died. His "grand theory" strives to answer almost all the key sociological questions of the 20 century: the question of power and dominance, social reproduction, symbolic violence, cultural practices, soc...
The goal of the project is to contribute to the enhancement of women participation to economic decision making positions in 6 different EU countries and at the European level.
Project duration: 2014 - 2016
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