Three Perspectives on the Multiplicity of Memory

Radim Hladík


The article affirms that a reasonable number of works have been published recently in Czech language, which should theoretically underpin a wider conception of memory studies. At the same time, these studies should not be subsumed under historiography, and above all, they should not employ solely the concepts of identity and social bonds, but also of power and conflict.


Maurice Halbwachs; Zdeněk Vašíček; Francoise Mayer; social memory; history; memory studies

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TEORIE VĚDY / THEORY OF SCIENCE – journal for interdisciplinary studies of science is published twice a year by the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Centre for Science, Technology, and Society Studies). ISSN 1210-0250 (Print) ISSN 1804-6347 (Online) MK ČR E 18677 web: /// email: