Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 2009, 45(3): 487-518 | DOI: 10.13060/00380288.2009.45.3.01

The Inequality of Participation: Re-examining the Role of Social Stratification and Post-Communism on Political Participation in Europe

Michael L. Smith
Institute of Sociology AS CR, Prague

This article compares the determinants of political participation, from voting and signing petitions to boycotting, across 23 European countries, posing the question whether and to what degree social inequalities in political participation differ between post-communist and Western countries. The data for the analysis is from the second round of the ESS survey, conducted in 2004-2005. The analysis focuses on the role of education, occupation, and gender in shaping the chances of engaging in political action, while also controlling for a range of sociological, political, and demographic variables. Interaction effects between individual variables and a post-communist dummy variable are used to directly compare the statistical significance of the difference in coefficients between post-communist and Western countries. The article finds that the observed effects of the post-communist context are actually accounted for by the indirect effects of a number of individual-level variables. In particular, education, occupation, and gender have stronger effects in post-communist countries than Western countries on many forms of political participation; in other words, the post-communist countries exhibit somewhat larger inequalities in political participation than in the West.

Keywords: : political participation, political behaviour, social inequality, social stratification, post-communism

Published: June 1, 2009Show citation

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Smith, M.L. (2009). The Inequality of Participation: Re-examining the Role of Social Stratification and Post-Communism on Political Participation in Europe. Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review45(3), 487-518. doi: 10.13060/00380288.2009.45.3.01.
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