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Comprehensive research services
We support the technology transfer of outputs from research and development activities at FZU in industry and other research institutions. We cooperate with industrial partners to find solutions in national and international research and development projects. Additionally, we provide patent, legal, marketing and business support.
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Public tenders
Diferenční skenovací kalorimetr s teplotní modulací
Single-wire diamond saw
Rekonstrukce budovy F - Stavební úpravy části 1.NP a vestavba datového uzlu
Microwave plasma system
Offer for companies
Experimental Facilities
Themes we are strong on
The European Union has included the NextBase project among its Success Stories
The results of the NextBase international project, with the participation of scientists from the FZU, have brought hope for the restoration of European competitiveness in the production of solar panels. The project has developed prototypes of solar cell with high efficiency and low-cost potential.
A serial production of protective masks will be launched by the Institute of Physics in cooperation with ten Czech companies
One of the first batches of the planned weekly 50 000-piece productions will be delivered to the institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences, where researchers test samples for the presence of the coronavirus
A biosensor can detect coronavirus before the start of the formation of antibodies
New technology, developed by a team of researchers led by Hana Lísalová from the Department of Optical and Biophysical Systems, could enable to detect SARS-COV-2 viral particles directly.