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2017 Results

Projects in Applied Economics for Talented Students 2017

The final presentations of the high school students who took part in this year’s “Projects in Applied Economics for Talented Students” took place at CERGE-EI on Monday, December 11. Five student groups presented their research projects, receiving feedback from CERGE-EI researchers and external guests.

This was the second season of the free research program, fully organized and hosted by CERGE-EI, and supported by the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. Within 12 weeks, the students learned the basics of economics and research methods (lead by Lucie Zapletalová and Radek Janhuba), and also pursued a supervised research project based on real data (tutors: Radek Janhuba, Klára Kalíšková, Nikoloz Kudashvili , Ján Palguta, and Michal Šoltés). They also participated in a presentation skills workshop (lead by Paul Whitaker from the CERGE-EI Academic Skills Center).

Out of more than 50 applicants, 30 high school students were selected from 15 different high schools. Student applications were considered carefully, paying special attention to their motivation and study results (Mathematics and English). 26 participants successfully completed the program.

An evaluation committee (Filip Pertold, CERGE-EI researcher and graduate; Nikolas Mittag, CERGE-EI Assistant Professor; Jan Mysliveček, The Boston Consulting Group and CERGE-EI graduate) focused on the academic performance and the clarity of the presented content. They gave feedback and encouragement for further research to all five groups, who truly worked hard during the 3-month program.

We would like to thank all who took part in the program: participants, their CERGE-EI tutors and lecturers, and also their high school teachers, friends, and family members, who came to support them for the final presentations of their outstanding work.

1st place:
Title: Returns to Education Based on Gender
Research Group: Tomáš Dohnal (Gymnázium Ústavní, Prague), Rebecca E. Gray (Gymnázium Jana Nerudy, Prague), Kateřina Klímová (Gymnázium Joachima Barranda, Beroun), Nina Štěrbová (Gymnázium Oty Pavla, Prague), Kristina Šůsová (Nový PORG, Prague)

2nd place:
Title: Correlation Between Donating to a Political Party and Winning Public Procurement Contracts
Research Group: Bára Bayerová (English College, Prague), Ariel Etlin (English College, Prague), Ondřej Řezák (Gymnázium prof. Jana Patočky, Prague), Alexandr Sušic (Mensa Gymnázium, Prague), Matěj Svoboda (Nový PORG, Prague), Sara Thiry (English College, Prague)

Joint 3rd place:
Title: The Effects of Wages on Quality of Politicians in the Czech Republic
Research Group: Martin Vladyka (English College, Prague), David Mićević (Gymnázium Nad Štolou, Prague), Iveta Pudilová (English College, Prague), Valerij Šlovikov (Gymnázium prof. Jana Patočky, Prague)

Title: The Impact of Lifestyle Habits on Health
Research group: Oldřich Jandl (Nový PORG, Prague), Thanh Long Nguyen (Deutsche Schule, Prague), Vendula Rusa (Gymnázium Christiana Doplera, Prague), Adam Tůma (PORG, Prague), Štěpán Vácha (PORG, Prague)

Our congratulations also go to:
Title: Determinants of Life Satisfaction
Research group: Yvona Byrne (English College, Prague), Vít Kohout (Gymnázium Litoměřická, Prague), Viktor Kusala (Deutsche Schule, Prague), Pavel Lehejček (Gymnázium Litoměřická, Prague), Anna Serysheva (Deutsche Schule, Prague), Solomiia Veklenko (Gymnázium Bohumila Hrabala, Nymburk) 

Photographs from the event can be found on Flickr.

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