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Events at CERGE-EI

Tuesday, 13 February, 2018 | 17:00 | Economics Discovery Hub

Building Shiny Apps

Tuesdays 17:00 - 18:30 
Starting date: 13 February 2018
Finishing date: 6 March 2018
Duration: 4 lessons
Course instructor: Pablo Maldonado

Registration for this course is closed. Please read about our selection process. Follow EDH on Facebook for the latest news and tips.

"I was inspired myself by one of the great courses (Web App Development in R using Shiny) at the  Economics Discovery Hub taught by Pablo Maldonado, who seemed to me to be a real professional and who inspired me to learn more about this software and eventually to develop my own web application for IDEA Think Tank (https://ideaapps.cerge-ei.cz/Trendy/)."

– Taras Hrendash, PhD in Economics student at CERGE-EI, attended Web App Development in R using Shiny in 2016

In this course, we will learn how to develop a data-driven web application. The course is entirely practice-oriented. Look at example apps.


  • Some knowledge of R is expected. You should be able to read/write files, do basic analysis and plots.


  • Web development fundamentals.
  • Introduction to reactive programming in Shiny.
  • Deploying a web application to shinyapps.io.

Practical assignment:

  • By the end of the second lecture you should have an idea of what is feasible to complete as a final project during the next lectures (the instructor will help you). You will work on your web application with instructor's support.
  • You will present your web application to your colleagues during the second part of the last lecture.

Participants who attend at least 75% of the sessions will obtain a Certificate of Attendance issued by CERGE-EI.

About the facilitator:

Pablo Maldonado
Pablo earned his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics at the Universite Paris VI - Pierre et Marie Curie in France. He is currently a data science consultant and lecturer at the Czech Technical University in Prague. Previously, he worked for O2 Czech Republic and PricewaterhouseCoopers as a data scientist, and lectured in two Mexican universities. In his spare time, Pablo enjoys cooking and improving his salsa and drumming skills.

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