When considering fairness of some principles connected with income differences, people most positively evaluated income differences, which come from labour efficiency, difficulty or laboriousness of job and acquired qualification. On contrary equality of income is supposed to be the least equitable principle. The most of Czech society (72 %) share an opinion that state should struggle to lower differences between poor and rich people, 21 % of Czechs share opposite opinion.

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In November 2005, 36 % of respondents characterised the living standard of their household to be good, 19 % share the opposite opinion and 45 % of respondents described it as neither good nor bad. 7 % of citizens indicated their household to be rich, whilst 23 % consider it to be poor. More than two thirds of respondents (69 %) regard their household as neither rich nor poor. Problems with current budget of their household were stated by 53 % of respondents, on the other hand 43 % said they have no problems to manage with income of the household.

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State expenditures on social policy in general and in its partial areas are always supposed to be low than high. The exception is unemployment benefit, where number of those who think this benefit is low (36 %) did not outbalance the number ot those who consider it to be appropriate (38 %), the most frequent answer was that state expenditures are low in this area. With the exception of expenditures on unemployment benefit, employment policy and a guarantee of living wage - the number of those (who suppose state expenditures on social policy to be low) was about 49 - 55 %.

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In October survey CVVM questioned economically active respondents, how satisfied they are with some aspects of job.People are most satisfied with their interesting job,time spent in work,working in shifts when more than three quarters of economically active respondents are satisfied with these aspects of job.Approximately three quarters of working people are also satisfied with using their professional skills at workplace and with relations in the workplace.

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Almost a half of Czech citizens think that most of unemployed people can not get suitable job.Almost a quarter of czech citizens share an opinion that unemployed people do not want to work and a fifth of responents think that unemployed people can not get any job.Czech people regard current situation of unemployment as very high.6 out of 10 respondents stated that they would look for concrete job in case they were unemployed, on contrary almost 4 out of 10 said they would look for any job.

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In October 2005 CVVM also focused on economic situation of czech

households.More than a half of respondents(56%)stated they have hardly

enough money for household. 40% of citizens said that they have enough

money for household. Almost two thirds of people suppose their household

to be neither rich nor poor.During last year a third of

respondents´households had financial problems.


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As a part of October survey there were some questions about social conditions and another part of survey was dedicated to topic, how citizens evaluate

current situation in Czech Republic in some areas of life and run of society.All respondents were interoggated with question, how they would evaluate

current situation in Czech Republic in these cases : a chance to get a flat, financial situation to start a family, chance to have children, social security

for the elderly,the handicapped,a chance to get a job, a chance to be employed, accessibility of education and health care.

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Almost a half of Czech citizens (49 %) consider current inflation to be acceptable, on contrary roughly a third of people share opposite opinion. Present evaluation of inflation has been historically the most positive since 1993, when this survey started.

21 % of citizens regard taxation on high-income earners as high, 22 % say it is adequate and 44 % think it is low. Taxation on average-income earners is considered to be high by 50 % of respondents, adequate by 39 %, low by 3 % of citizens.

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Generally, critical evaluation of the current economic situation prevailed positive evaluation. . The highest degree of satisfaction was recorded in Czech Republic (12% good, 41% - bad economic situation, 42 % no good or bad), and the highest in Slovakia (70% bad, 2% good). Lower degree of satisfaction is in Hungary, where almost a half or citizens (48%) critically consider current economic situation, only 1 out of 20 citizens stated positive evaluation.

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Almost a half of czech population older than 15 years think, they can find a job in their region, but it is difficult to find a suitable job there. Only 3 % of Czech citizens say there is no problem to find any job in their region, on contrary almost two fifths of respondents expressed their opinion, that it is difficult to find any job in their region. 7% of citizens suppose to find a job to be impossible in their region.

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