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Muži mají ve všech uvedených profesích výzkumu a vývoje převahu a jejich zastoupení má rostoucí tendenci.
Zastoupení žen mezi výzkumníky dlouhodobě klesá, v roce 2016 byl tento ukazatel zatím nejnižší od roku 2000, kdy se data v rozlišení podle pohlaví začala sbírat. V mezinárodním srovnání patří úroveň zastoupení žen mezi výzkumníky v České republice k celkově nejnižším ze všech zemí Evropské unie.
Globální svět čelí vážným společenským problémům, jejichž dopady můžeme vidět i v Evropě. Evropská unie, jejímž hlavním posláním je udržování míru a prosperity v rámci všech členských států, se ukázala být velmi nesourodým uskupením, které jen těžko nachází shodu na řešení komplexních problémů, jako je například i stále probíhající migrační krize.
Frail older people admitted for acute inpatient hospital care are at high risk of adverse events, long stays, readmission and long term care. Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) improves outcomes for this group, particularly on specialised wards. However, there is uncertainty about how best to do this across the whole hospital.
This study examines the role of cognitive skills on labor market outcomes in 14 developed countries. In contrast to standard Mincer-type regressions, we utilize a structural
modeling approach that can take into account different types of skills on different economic outcomes. The results, based on data from the OECD PIAAC project, provide
The aim of this study is to broaden the scope of knowledge on fear of crime by examining if Ferraro’s risk interpretation model of fear of crime also holds true for the adolescent population. Using data on approximately 1500 Czech students in middle and grammar school, we test three different models. First, the classic model of fear of crime, applied originally to adults, is estimated.
Abstract: Attitudes towards women in politics and gender culture in general have implications
for the status of women in politics and their descriptive representation. In the paper we
ask what attitudes people have in the Czech Republic towards women in politics and their
descriptive representation, how these attitudes have changed across time, and what factors
are associated with these changes. We draw mainly on a survey carried out in 2014, and we
The paper reviews recent theoretical discussions on education for sustainable development and competence based teaching, and relates them to the international policy processes of the Sustainable Development Goals implementation where ‘the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development’ are expressed in the SDG 4.7.
This paper investigates the role of civic culture and other political factors in support for democracy in the Czech Republic during the decade following EU accession. The goal is to assess the validity of civic virtue theory and to compare the impact of these factors on affective legitimacy using the ISSP Citizenship modules 2004 and 2014.
Drawing on fieldwork in the postsocialist Czech Republic, we explore the transformative processes of biomedicalization, both within and in relation to complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). We argue that it would be simplistic to understand evidence of these processes in CAM as a sign that CAM has fallen prey to biomedicine. Instead, we show how particular CAM practices play a groundbreaking role in shaping developments in contemporary health care.
National pride is a group-based and sometimes collective emotion people feel towards their nation-state. It is often measured by the general national pride item in cross-national surveys, and Czechs belong to those nations that express low levels of general national pride in comparison with other nations. It is currently under discussion how much general national pride is influenced by social desirability and how much by specific reasons.
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