* Intermedia Agenda of czech Media

The agenda setting function of mass media became one of the most pervasive concept examining long term eff ects of mass media on society. Meanwhile most of the media scholars works have focused on the relationships of media agenda and public agenda in the last thirty years, there is lack of empirical works dealing with aspects of agenda building process so far, above all aspects concerning mutual infl uences of various media contents. Presented paper examine intermedia agenda setting of Czech national media. Based on quantitative content analysis it search the regular patterns of “media quoting other media” and contexts in which media refer to other media as a source of information.

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* From Osama to Saddam: On Analysis of S. L. Althaus & D. M. Largio Related to a Specifi c Aspect of Political, News and Public Agendas in the U. S. after September 11, 2001

The text with some additions introduces to Czech audience a work of Scott L. Althaus and Devon M. Largio, who back in 2004 were analyzing origins and consequences of shift in America’s public enemy no. 1 from Osama bin Laden to Iraqi president Saddam Hussein that occurred during period after 9/11 terrorist attacks on WTC and Pentagon and before U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003. By charting the changing levels of public attention given to Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein in American news coverage and in president G. W. Bush’s public statements and by comparison of these trends with a full range survey fi ndings that appear to reveal widespread misperceptions about the link between Iraq and the 9/11 attacks, their analysis provided a clear perspective on the timing and impact of the administration’s communication eff orts as well as revealed a fact contradictory to popular view that mistaken beliefs about Saddam Hussein’s culpability were less a product of the Bush administration’s public relations campaign than of the 9/11 attacks themselves. The text tries to point out some more general incidence of these fi ndings relating to relationship of political, news and public agendas as well as methodology and interpretations of polls.

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* Editorial

The electronic version of the second number of the fifth edition of the review Czech Society (Naše společnost). Czech Society issues Center for Public Opinion Research, Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.

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* Editorial

The electronic version of the first number of the sixth edition of the review Czech Society (Naše společnost). Czech Society issues Center for Public Opinion Research, Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.

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* A little personal recollection of Pavel Machonin

A little personal recollection of Pavel Machonin.

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* Who was Pavel Machonin

Profile of scientist Pavel Machonin.

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* Subjective social distances to professions: are there subjective class boundaries in the Czech society?

Using the concept of subjective social distance we focus on perceptions of occupational categories. First, the theoretical concept of social distance is introduced as a tool for measuring social stratification. Second, subjective hypothetical interactional distances to 22 occupational stimuli are analyzed with data from the Social Distances 2007 survey. People rate the stimuli hierarchically analogous to occupational prestige and socioeconomic status; however some minor divergence can be detected.

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* Attitudes to loanwords in contemporary Czech

This article uses empirical data to evaluate Czech perceptions of lexical borrowing, based on a nationwide poll conducted in November 2005 by the Public Opinion Research Centre of the Institute of Sociology of the Academy ofSciences of the Czech Republic. The survey combines synchronic and diachronic perspectives, and is the first major studyof its kind since Tejnor, October 1970. It broadly concludes that most Czechs accept functionally necessary loanwords, but feel that their language contains a surfeit of peripheral foreign terms, which are used too frequently and somewhat inappropriately.

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* Judgement Processes in the Course of Survey Question Answering

The article stands as the third part of a series about the question answering process during standardized surveys and elaborates the judgment making phase. The first part deals with attitude questions. In this regard, relevant theories of the nature of attitude are explained (true attitude model, construal model, the belief-sampling model); context effects that influence decision-making processes in the course of answering are described (i.

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* Classical Psychoanalysis and Politics

Researches of election preferences are probably the most monitored products of agencies for public opinion research. The information, which returns via media back to the public, not only describes social reality, but sometimes also co-creates this reality. Results of the researches as such can affect public attitudes. For this reason, among others, we should understand what information the...

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* Editorial

The electronic version of the second number of the sixth edition of the review Czech Society (Naše společnost). Czech Society issues Center for Public Opinion Research, Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.

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* Czech Prison System Viewed by Public Opinion

The article concern on the prison system. In the first part are described attitudes of public opinion towards crime and prison system. Not only in the terms of causes of criminal behavior. It also brings an evaluation of particular conditions and facilities which are available or which would be hypothetically available for prisoners in contemporary Czech prison system. The second part brings information about prison from prisoners point of view. It sums up the particular needs and problems resulting from imprisonment. And the third part comes with a comparison of prisoners and public opinion attitudes on some moral dilemmas of chosen kinds of human behavior.

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Hana Hašková, Zuzana Uhde (eds.): Women and Social Citizenship in Czech Society: Continuity and Change

Review of the book Hana Hašková, Zuzana Uhde (eds.): Women and Social Citizenship in Czech Society: Continuity and Change.

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*Plurality of Memory and the Communist Past: the Czech Public, and Its Reflection of 1989 and Post-November Developments

The following text presents the results of sociological survey, conducted by Center for Public Opinion Research, Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, in september 2009. This extensive field survey mapped attitudes and public opinion on selected topics and issues that touch the twentieth anniversary of the November revolution in 1989.

>> Full text is available...

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*Pirate Parties: a New Phenomenon in Politics

Pirate parties are new phenomena in politics. The first pirate party was established in Sweden in 2006 and inspired rise of pirate parties across the world. The aim of this article is to review discussion on pirate parties, describe major pirate issues and pirate parties’ sympathizers as well as to attempt to explain the rise of pirate parties. Pirate parties may be conceived as a sort of liberal parties, which are focused on free internet, communication and unrestrained access to public information.

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*To the Issue of Historical Consciousness of Inhabitants of the Czech Republic

This article describes the results of an initial survey which is a part of broader project of sociological research into the historical consciousness of inhabitants of the Czech Republic. Firstly, the topic is put into the context of conceptions of historical consciousness and collective memory. This is followed by an outline of the public's interests in history and its different fields, their sources of information and self-evaluation of historical knowledge.

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*Czech Religion – Church Membership and Faith: Census and ISSP 2008 survey

The article focuses on the description of the Czech religiosity. It shows that Czech society is not as secularized as it is often argued. First part of the article analyzes the traditional measures of religiosity: church affiliation and church attendance. Using data from the Census and ISSP 2008, we show that the level of church attendance is relatively stable in the Czech society but the self-declared church affiliation is decreasing.

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*The PopCultural Citizenship Concept as a Theoretical Framework For Studying Popular Culture in the Socialist and Post-Socialist Society

This theoretical essay explores the concepts of cultural and popcultural citizenships in connection with the period of state socialism in 70s and 80s in Czechoslovakia. The main intention is to test the potential of the concept of popcultural citizenship, which is inspired by John Hartley´s “do-it-yourself citizenship”. Another aim is to examine textual properties of so called “normalization” television serials with regard to the extent to which it allowed for semiosis to be controlled by the viewers.

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*Leisure in the Czech Republic in a Brief Comparison with European Countries

The article focuses on leisure activities in the Czech Republic. After the introductory part defining leisure and its functions, data from the international research ISSP 2007 Leisure and Sport are analyzed. Frequencies of 13 leisure activities and perceived functions of leisure are described and the Czech results are briefly compared with the average of 18 European countries. Then attention is paid to the structure of leisure activities in the Czech society.

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*Evaluation of the Valence Theory of Electoral Behaviour on the Basis of the Open-Ended Questions Concerning the Main Reason of Abstention

The aim of the study is to explore the valence theory’s account of voter turnout using open-ended questions which measured the main reason given by voters for electoral abstention. The focus was on the claim of the valence theory concerning the respondent’s expected benefit from participating in an election. Data from five post-election studies undertaken between 2004 and 2010 are analysed. The empirical results reveal that electoral abstention is explained by four key factors.

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*Religiosity and Quality of Life. Psycho-Social Prerequisites

The article deals with relationship of religiosity and psycho-social phenomena (powerlessness, normlessness, social isolation, self-estrangement and cultural estrangement) which are inhibiting factor in relation to quality of life of individuals. Theoretically this article (besides general theory of subjective quality of life) is supported by Melvinem Seeman´s concept of alienation. Personal religiosity is not measured here by individual indicator only but by plurality of indicators.

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* What is people’s willingness to cooperate with the police and what affects it?

Moravcová, Eva. „Jaká je ochota občanů spolupracovat s policií a co ji ovlivňuje?“ Naše společnost 11 (1): 47-56, http://dx.doi.org/10.13060/1214-438X.2013.11.1.5

The majority of crime is not detected by the police itself. Its work, if it is to be effective, depends heavily on the people’s willingness to cooperate with the police. The paper compares the degree of such cooperation between the Czech Republic and other European countries that participated on the ESS R 5 research and focuses on factors influencing the cooperation. Education, feelings of safety when walking alone in local areas after dark and satisfaction with police officers´ treatment all play an important role in explaining people’s willingness to cooperate with the police.  Further, results of the analyses show that the Czech Republic and other post-communist countries alike suffer from relatively low legitimacy of the police as well as low degree of public cooperation with this institution. Moreover, the data suggest that perceived legitimacy of the police is considerably influenced by public trust in it and perception of its transparency. However, these seem to be still relatively low in the Czech Republic.

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* Selected barriers of investments into human capital

Wawrosz, Petr; Herbert Heissler. „Vybrané bariéry investic do lidského kapitálu.“ Naše společnost 11 (1): 36-46, http://dx.doi.org/10.13060/1214-438X.2013.11.1.4

If investments into human capital (HC) are as convenient as theory says why some people do not invest in the development of their HC and why other people with resources do not stimulate people without HC to invest including lending money for such investments? The paper tries to answer the question by identifying selected barriers causing lenders do not give money (resources) to the investments and potential borrowers are not willing to borrow them. From our point of view statistical discrimination and phenomena described as “acting-white” in the case of Afro-American community belong among the most important barriers, although they are not mentioned so often. The paper deals with both of the barriers and suggests how to solve them.

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* Comparison of methodological approaches of pre‑election polls used by CVVM, ppm factum, Median and STEM

Chábová, Kristýna. „Komparace metodických postupů předvolebních průzkumů agentur CVVM, ppm factum, Median a STEM.“ Naše společnost 11 (1): 25-35, http://dx.doi.org/10.13060/1214-438X.2013.11.1.3

This article deals with the issue of pre-election polling and examines the methodological approaches used in pre-election polling in the Czech Republic. A selection of Czech research agencies is presented and explored, as well as the recommendations of various professional associations.  The core of this work examines and compares the methodological approaches used by the Czech agencies CVVM, ppm factum, Median and STEM. The aim of this article is to highlight the differences in the methodological approaches among the Czech agencies and to determine whether these differences could eventually affect the outcomes of pre-election polls.

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* Changes of Voting Behaviour in Elections into Regional Councils 2012

Čermák, Daniel. 2013. „Změny voličského chování ve volbách do krajských zastupitelstev 2012." Naše společnost 11 (1): 15-24, http://dx.doi.org/10.13060/1214-438X.2013.11.1.2

This paper presents findings about changes in voting behaviour that occurred between elections into Regional Councils 2008 and 2012 in the Czech Republic. The analysis deals with comparison of real outcomes of elections 2012 and the outcomes of elections 2012 estimated by a statistical model called LOCCONTINGENCY. The estimation is based on regional structure of votes for political parties in the previous elections into Regional Councils 2008. The main objective of these analyses is to find out and to explain differences between reality and model estimation. The results help us explain the rise and decline of votes for political parties, especially for regional ones, between elections 2008 and 2012.

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