Tmavoretka bělavá (Monacha cartusiana) je plž původem ze Středomoří, který se postupně šíří na sever. Na území České republiky byla doložena na několika lokalitách v roce 1970 a v letech 1986-2005. Popsány nové lokality, které potvrzují trend novodobého šíření tohoto druhu.
The Cartusian Snail (Monacha cartusiana) is a snail, originally living in the Mediterranean, from which it has spread northwards. In 1970 and during the1986-2005 period, the mollusc was found at some sites in the Czech Republic. New sites of the invertebrate are described in this article. Thus, the recent expansion of the Cartusian Snail distribution range in the Czech Republic is confirmed by the author.