
In the upcoming issues will appear:

  • Georg Schuppener - Mathematicians and Mathematics at the Charles University during the Second Half of the 18th Century
  • Matěj Dražil - Eliminativní materialismus, lidová psychologie a jazyk myšlení
  • Gregory Morgan Swer and Jean Du Toit - A Manifesto for Messy Philosophy of Technology: The History and Future of an Academic Field
  • Petr Jedlička - Against Grand Theories: (A Cautionary) Tale of Two Disciplines
  • Kateřina Lochmanová - Inercialita v kontextu Leibnizovy korespondence s Clarkem

Upcoming Special Issues/Sections

  • Tematická online sekce / Thematic Online Section: "Current health crisis from the perspective of science studies" (call for papers)
  • Tematická sekce / Thematic Section: "Mathematical and Astronomical Practices in the Czech Lands" (call for papers)