The most important scientific outputs of the Centre of Classical Studies staff

The most important outputs of the Centre for Classical Studies staff, which contribute to the increase of knowledge in the relevant disciplines on the international level and to the enrichment and cultivation of Czech cultural sphere, consist mainly of scholarly publications: monographs, editions, translations of ancient, medieval and Neo-Latin texts, and studies published in prestigious Czech and foreign journals and publishing houses (e.g. Brepols; Brill; De Gruyter; Herder; Wiley Blackwell; journals include e.g. Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi; Athenaeum; Early Science and Medicine; Humanistica Lovaniensia etc.).

During the last five years (2015-2019), the staff of the Centre for Classical Studies published nearly 300 scientific outputs, out of which 22 were scholarly books, approx. 100 book chapters (almost 30 in world languages) and more than 70 articles in scholarly domestic and foreign journals (2 of them with IF); other publication outputs included scholarly reviews, translations etc. The Centre also organized more than 10 domestic and international conferences, workshops or summer schools. The complete output of the Centre for Classical Studies staff is recorded in the ASEP database and in the bibliographies of individual researchers on their personal web pages.

As regards the most important publications from the last five years (2015–2019), the following may be mentioned (in alphabetical order).

Selected books, book chapters and articles published abroad





Bartoň, Josef, „Translation Tradition as a Source of Errors and Clichés in Modern Czech Translations of the New Testament“, in: J. Dušek – J. Roskovec (eds.), The Process of Authority. The Dynamics in Transmission and Reception of Canonical Texts. Berlin – Boston, Walter de Gruyter (Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Studies, vol. 27) 2016, pp. 337–348.

Bažant, Jan, „The Classical Tradition and Nationalism. The Art and Architecture of Prague, 1860–1900“, in: Z. M. Torlone – D. Munteanu – D. Dutsch (eds.), A Handbook to Classical Reception in Eastern and Central Europe. Hoboken: Wiley Blackwell 2017, pp. 133–145.

Beneš, Jiří, „J. A. Comenius on Translation and Interpretation of the Bible“, in: W. Goris – M. A. Meyer – V. Urbánek (eds.), Gewalt sei ferne den Dingen. Contemporary Perspectives on the Works of John Amos Comenius. Wiesbaden: Springer 2015, pp. 159–168.

Dus, Jan A., „Die Apostolischen Väter“, in: L. Karfíková – V. Hušek – L. Chvátal (eds.), Gnadenlehre in Schrift und Patristik. Freiburg im Breisgau – Basel – Wien: Herder (Handbuch der Dogmengeschichte, Bd. III, Fasz. 5a [1]) 2016, pp. 174–188.

Dus, Jan A., „Papers or Principles? Ignatius of Antioch on the Authority of the Old Testament“, in: J. Dušek – J. Roskovec (eds.), The Process of Authority. The Dynamics in Transmission and Reception of Canonical Texts. Berlin – Boston, Walter de Gruyter (Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Studies, vol. 27) 2016, pp. 151–163.

Fialová, Radka, „Scripture and the ,Memoirs of the Apostels‘. Justin Martyr and His Bible“, in: J. Dušek – J. Roskovec (eds.), The Process of Authority. The Dynamics in Transmission and Reception of Canonical Texts. Berlin – Boston, Walter de Gruyter (Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Studies, vol. 27) 2016, pp. 165–178.

Förster, Josef, „A Czech Contribution to the Theme of Maurikian in Neo-Latin Drama“, in: Humanistica Lovaniensia 65, 2016, pp. 367–381.

Franek, Juraj, „The Reception of Socrates in Tertullian“, in: C. Moore (ed.), Brill’s Companion to the Reception of Socrates. Leiden: Brill 2019, pp. 435–452.

Kitzler, Petr, From Passio Perpetuae to Acta Perpetuae: Recontextualizing a Martyr Story in the Literature of the Early Church. Berlin – Boston: Walter de Gruyter 2015 (Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte, Bd. 127), XIV + 159 pp. ISBN 978-3-11-041942-9.

Kitzler, Petr, „Tertullian“, in: L. Karfíková – V. Hušek – L. Chvátal (eds.), Gnadenlehre in Schrift und Patristik. Freiburg im Breisgau – Basel – Wien: Herder (Handbuch der Dogmengeschichte, Bd. III, Fasz. 5a [1]) 2016, pp. 265–281.

Kitzler, Petr, „Tertullian’s Concept of the Soul and His Corporealistic Ontology“, in: J. Lagouanère – S. Fialon (eds.), Tertullianus Afer. Tertullien et la littérature chrétienne d’Afrique. Turnhout: Brepols (Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia, 70) 2015, pp. 43–62.

Kitzler, Petr, „Traducianism“, in: P. J. J. van Geest – B. J. Lietaert Peerbolte – D. Hunter (eds.), Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity Online. Leiden: Brill 2019, <>, on-line.

Kocánová, Barbora, „The Sublunary Phaenomena as a Subject of Medieval Academic Discussion. Meteorology and the Prague University Disputationes de Quolibet“, in: Early Science and Medicine 22, 2017, pp. 72–102.

Sarkissian, Alena, „The Case of the Oresteia. Classical Drama on Czech Stage, 1889–2012“, in: Z. M. Torlone – D.  Munteanu – D. Dutsch (eds.), A Handbook to Classical Reception in Eastern and Central Europe. Hoboken: Wiley Blackwell 2017, pp. 146–158.

Silagiová, Zuzana – Šmahel, F. (eds.), Catalogi librorum vetustissimi Universitatis Pragensis. Turnhout: Brepols (Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis, 271) 2015, LXXV + 290 pp. ISBN 978-2-503-55485-3.

Silagiová, Zuzana Černá, Julie Florianová, Hana Nývlt, Pavel Šedinová, Hana Vršecká, Kateřina, Latinitatis medii aevi lexicon Bohemorum = Slovník středověké latiny v českých zemích. Volume 1: (A–C), Turnhout: Brepols 2018 (part of the Database of Latin Dictionaries).

Silagiová, Zuzana Černá, Julie Florianová, Hana Kocánová, Barbora Nývlt, Pavel Šedinová, Hana Vršecká, Kateřina, Latinitatis medii aevi lexicon Bohemorum = Slovník středověké latiny v českých zemích. Volume 2: (D–H), Turnhout: Brepols 2019 (part of the Database of Latin Dictionaries).

Svatoš, Martin, „La Bibliotheca Bohemica et la Nova collectio scriptorum rerum Bohemicarum de Magnoald Ziegelbauer OSB. Un regard extérieur sur l’histoire et l’historiographie du royaume de Bohême“, in: C. Madl – I. Monok (eds.), Ex oriente amicitia: mélanges offerts à Frédéric Barbier à l’occasion de son 65e anniversaire. Budapest: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Könyvtár és Információs Központ 2017, pp. 127–156. ISBN 978-963-7451-31-7.

Šedinová, Hana, „,Incendula‘ or ,monedula‘? An Enigmatic Bird Name in Medieval Latin-Written Sources“, in: Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi 74, 2016, pp. 89–109.

Vaculínová, Marta, „Exhortatory Poems against the Turks in the Latin Poetry of the Czech Lands“, in: D. Thomas – J. Chesworth (eds.), Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History, Vol. 9: Western and Southern Europe (1600–1700). Leiden: Brill 2017, pp. 1008–1019.

Vaculínová, Marta – Veselá, Lenka, „Die Bibliothek des Theodor Beza: Verloren oder zerstreut?“, in: Festschrift zum 550. Todestag Johannes Gutenbergs, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag 2018, pp. 208–227. Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 2018.

Vaculínová, Marta, „Emil Franzel in der Bibliothek des Nationalmuseums“, in: Bohemia. Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kultur der böhmischen Länder 58, 2018, pp. 62–77.


Selected books published in Czech publishing houses





Bartoň, Josef – Dittmann, Robert, Český obrozenec překládá Písmo: překladatelské dílo Františka Novotného z Luže: edice Janova evangelia [A Czech Revivalist Translates the Scriptures: The Translation Undertaking of František Novotný of Luže: An Edition of John’s Gospel], Praha: Scriptorium 2018, 158 pp. ISBN 978-80-88013-72-3.

Bažant, Jan, Perseus & Medusa. Zobrazení mýtu od počátku do dneška [Perseus & Medusa. Representations of the Myth from the Beginning up Today], Praha: Academia 2017, 509 pp. ISBN 978-80-200-2658-3.

Čechvala, Jakub – Poláčková, Eliška (eds.), Ve stínu hellénského slunce: Obrazy antiky v moderní české kultuře [In the Shade of the Hellenic Sun: Images of the Classical Antiquity in Modern Czech Culture], Praha: Filosofia 2016, 455 pp. ISBN 978-80-7007-460-2.

Čechvala, Jakub – Poláčková, Eliška (eds.), Vymyšlená Ithaka: recepce antické mytologie v české kultuře [Imaginary Ithaca: Reception of Classical Mythology in Czech Culture], Praha. Filosofia 2018, 400 pp. ISBN 978-80-7007-521-0.

Čechvala, Jakub (ed.), Fragmenty řeckých tragiků v překladech a studiích Zdeňka K. Vysokého [Fragments of Greek Tragedians in Translations and Studies of Zdeněk K. Vysoký], Praha: Filosofia 2019, 367 pp. ISBN 978-80-7007-593-7.

Desenská Ciglerová, Jana – Förster, Josef – Kvapil, Jan – Matl, Jiří – Petrbok, Václav – Podavka, Ondřej – Polakovič, Daniel – Pumprla, Václav – Svatoš, Martin – Žůrek, Jiří – Hádek, Karel (eds.), Johannes Petrus Cerroni. Spisovatelé Království českého. Díl 1: A–B [Johann Peter Cerroni. Writers of the Kingdom of Bohemia. Vol. 1, A–B], Praha: Filosofia 2016, 497 pp. ISBN 978-80-7007-448-0.

Dus, Jan, První list Petrův [The First Epistle of Peter], Praha: Česká biblická společnost 2017, 308 pp. ISBN 978-80-7545-064-7.

Fialová, Radka, Justin Mučedník a jeho Bible [Justin Martyr and His Bible], Praha: Vyšehrad 2018, 230 pp. ISBN 978-80-7601-081-9.

Förster, Josef  – Kvapil, Jan – Matl, Jiří – Pelc, Vojtěch – Petrbok, Václav – Podavka, Ondřej –  Polakovič, Daniel – Pumprla, Václav – Smyčka, Václav – Svatoš, Martin – Vaculínová, Marta – Žůrek, Jiří (eds.), Johannes Petrus Cerroni. Spisovatelé Království českého. Díl II: C–D. Praha: Filosofia 2019, 478 pp. ISBN 978-80-7007-514-2. [Johann Peter Cerroni. Writers of the Kingdom of Bohemia. Vol. 2, C–D]

Förster, Josef – Matl, Jiří – Pelc, Vojtěch – Petrbok, Václav – Podavka, Ondřej – Polakovič, Daniel – Pumprla, Václav – Svatoš, Martin – Smyčka, Václav – Žůrek, Jiří – Hádek, Karel (eds.), Joannes Petrus Cerroni. Spisovatelé Království českého. Díl III: E–F [Johann Peter Cerroni. Writers of the Kingdom of Bohemia. Vol. 3, E–F], Praha: Filosofia 2017, 243 pp. ISBN 978-80-7007-507-4.

Förster, Josef – Podavka, Ondřej – Svatoš, Martin (eds.), Historia litteraria v českých zemích od 17. do počátku 19. století [Historia litteraria within the Bohemian Lands from 17th to the Beginning of 19th Century], Praha: Filosofia 2016, 362 pp. ISBN 978-80-7007-444-2.

Förster, Josef (ed.), Admodum Reverende, Religiosissime ac Eximie P. Rector! Korespondence mezi Mikulášem Adauktem Voigtem a Gelasiem Dobnerem [Admodum Reverende, Religiosissime ac Eximie P. Rector! The Correspondence from Nicolaus Adauct Voigt to Gelasius Dobner], Praha: Scriptorium 2018, 143 pp. ISBN 978-80-88013-68-6.

Kitzler, Petr, Duše a tělo u Tertulliana. Dvě studie k Tertullianově antropologii [The Body and Soul in Tertullian: Two Studies on Tertullian’s Anthropology], Praha: Filosofický ústav AV ČR – Oikúmené 2018, 123 pp. ISBN 978-80-7298-346-9.

Podavka, Ondřej, Zdeněk Brtnický z Valdštejna. Učený šlechtic a jeho deník z cest [Zdeněk Brtnický of Wallenstein. A Learned Nobleman and His Travel Diary], Praha: Vyšehrad 2017, 265 pp. ISBN 978-80-7429-900-1.

Poláčková, Eliška, Verbum caro factum est: performativita bohemikální literatury 14. století pohledem divadelní vědy [Verbum caro factum est: Performative Aspects of High-Medieval Bohemian Literature], Praha: Filosofia 2019, 472 pp. ISBN 978-80-7007-575-3.

Silagiová, Zuzana – Černá, Julie – Florianová, Hana – Kocánová, Barbora – Martínková, Dana – Nývlt, Pavel – Šedinová, Hana – Vršecká, Kateřina, Latinitatis medii aevi lexicon Bohemorum. Slovník středověké latiny v českých zemích: díl 23 [Dictionary of Medieval Latin in Czech Lands: Volume 23], Praha: KLP 2016, 104 pp. ISBN 978-80-87773-40-6.