
A - Z List of Licensed Databases


Anopress (in Czech language) Information about the database

BalkanInsight Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal

Cambridge Journals Online Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal

The Chicago Manual of Style Online Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal

EBSCOhost Research Databases Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal

EBSCOhost eBook Collection (originally NetLibrary)  Information about the database Open the databaseCharles University E-resources PortalUSAID2013

EBSCOhost - EconLit with Full Text (EBSCOhost) Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal USAID2013

EIU CountryData - Direct access is available upon password in the library only Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal1980 - 2005

Emerald Journals Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal

Eurostat Statistics -Go to DSI Campus Solution

Gale eBooks Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal

German Statistical Office and German FED Statistics -Go to DSI Campus Solution

IMF Direction of Trade Statistics Information about the database Open the database

IMF International Financial Statistics Information about the database Open the database

JSTOR Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal Collections Business I , Business II and Life Sciences are available only via direct access (LAN).USAID2013-2017

OECD iLibrary Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal

Oxford Journals Information about the database Open the database

Oxford Reference  Information about the database  Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal

ProQuest Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal

ProQuest Ebook Central Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal

SCOPUS Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal

ScienceDirect - Temporarily problem with remote access.  Information about the database Open the database EZProxyCharles University E-resources Portal ShibbolethCharles University E-resources PortalUSAID 2008-2012, 2013;2014-2019

ScinceDirect - Handbooks in Economics -  For direct access choose "Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education – Economics Institute, IP Access" .  Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal USAID2013 - 2014

Springer Link/Kluwer Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources PortalUSAID2007-2008

SpringerLink eBook Collection  Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal

Taylor & Francis Online  Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal 

Taylor & Francis eBook Collection Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal  -License Agreement 

UNIDO - Industry Statistics -Go to DSI Campus Solution

Ulrichsweb Information about the database Open the database

Web of Science Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal

Wiley Online Library Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal

Wiley eBook Collection  Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal -License Agreement 

World Bank Open Data Information about the databaseOpen the database