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Working Papers 1996–2000

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168. Hanousek, Jan, and Richard Podpiera. December 2000. “How Important Is Informed Trading for the Bid-Ask Spread? Evidence from an Emerging Market.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

167. Filer, Randall K., and Jan Hanousek. December 2000. “Output Changes and Inflationary Bias in Transition.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

166. Hanousek, Jan, and Randall K. Filer. December 2000. “Lange and Hayek Revisited: Lessons from Czech Voucher Privatization.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

165. Boháček, Radim. December 2000. “Capital Accumulation in an Economy with Heterogeneous Agents and Moral Hazard.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

164. Antoch, Jaromír, and Jan Hanousek. November 2000. “Model Selection and Simplification Using Lattices.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

163. Kinoshita, Yuko. November 2000. “R&D and technology spillovers via FDI: Innovation and absorptive capacity.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

162. Noguera, Jose. October 2000. “Barter Economies and Centralized Merchants.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

161. Galuščák, Kamil. October 2000. “Acturial Adjustment Aspects of Public Pension Schemes.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

160. Filer, Randall K., and Daniel Münich. October 2000. “Responses of Private and Public Schools to Voucher Funding:The Czech and Hungarian Experience.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

159. Jeong, Byeongju. October 2000. “Bad Policies Under an Autocrat's Production.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

158. Barry, Frank, John Bradley, Michal Kejak, and David Vavra. October 2000. “The Czech Economic Transition: Exploring Options Using a Macrosectoral Model.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

157. Gylfason, Thorvaldur. July 2000. “Resources, Agriculture, and Economic Growth in Economies in Transition.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

156. Podpiera, Richard. July 2000. “Efficiency of Financial Markets in Transition: The Case of Macroeconomic Releases.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

155. Kejak, Michal. May 2000. “Minimum Weighted Residual Methods in Endogeneous Growth Models.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

154. Gillman, Max, Michal Kejak, and Akos Valentinyi. April 2000. “Inflation, Growth, and Credit Services.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

153. Lízal, Lubomír, and Jan Švejnar. March 2000. “Financial Conditions and Investment during the Transition: Evidence from Czech Firms.” (Abstract) (Full Text)


152. Jeong, Byeongju. September 1999. “Why Are There Mobility Restrictions?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

151. Filer, Randall K., Jan Hanousek, Nauro F. Campos. October 1999. “Do Stock Markets Promote Economic Growth?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

150. Kinoshita, Yuko. November 1999. “Private and Public Information for Foreign Investment Decisions.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

149. Kočenda, Evžen. June 1999. “Detecting Structural Breaks: Exchange Rates in Transition Economies.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

148. Vachadze, George. June 1999. “A Time Homogeneous Stationary Equilbrium Model of Asset Pricing with Heterogeneous Agents.” (Abstract)

147. Lízal, Lubomír. June 1999. “Does a Soft Macroeconomic Environment Induce Restructuring on the Microeconomic Level during the Transition Period? Evidence from Investment Behavior of Czech Enterprises.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

146. Campos, Nauro F.. June 1999. “Back to the Future: The Growth Prospects of Transition Economies Reconsidered.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

145. Břeský, Michal. June 1999. “Equilibria in Multi-unit Auctions.” (Abstract)

144. Duczynski, Petr. May 1999. “Adjustment Costs in a Two-Capital Growth Model.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

143. Jurajda, Štěpán. April 1999. “Unemployment Outflow and Unemployment Insurance Taxes.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

142. Cukrowski, Jacek, and Emil Stavrev. February 1999. “Central Bank Seigniorage: Czech Republic 1993–1997.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

141. Munich, Daniel, Jan Švejnar, and Katherine Terrell. January 1999. “Worker-firm Matching and Unemployment in Transition to a Market Economy: (Why) Are the Czechs More Successful than Others?” (Abstract) (Full Text)


140. Cukrowski, Jacek, and Štěpán Čábelka. December 1998. “R&amdp;D in Duopoly with Spillovers: Evolution and Aspiration Learning.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

139. Kinoshita, Yuko. December 1998. “Technology Spillovers through Foreign Direct Investment.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

138. Kejak, Michal. December 1998. “Stages of Growth in Economic Development.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

137. Lízal, Lubomír. December 1998. “Depreciation Rates in a Transition Economy: Evidence from Czech Panel Data.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

136. Hanousek, Jan, and Libor Němeček. December 1998. “Mispricing and Lasting Arbitrage between Parallel Markets in the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

135. Kinoshita, Yuko. December 1998. “Firm Size and Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

134. Jeong, Byeongju. November 1998. “Measurement of Human Capital Input across Countries: A New Method and Results.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

133. Vachadze, George. November 1998. “A Short-Horizon Model of Asset Pricing: Equilibrium Analysis.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

132. Vachadze, George. November 1998. “A Temporary Equilibrium Model of Asset Pricing.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

131. Jeong, Byeongju. September 1998. “Policy Uncertainty and Long-Run Investment and Output across Countries.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

130. Jurajda, Štěpán. August 1998. “Inflow into Unemployment: Employment Spells and Unemployment Insurance.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

129. Jurajda, Štěpán, and Frederick J. Tannery. August 1998. “Unemployment Durations and Extended Unemployment Benefits in Local Labor Markets.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

128. Campos, Nauro F., and Jeffrey B. Nugent. June 1998. “Investment and Instability.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

127. Benáček, Vladimír, Dmitri Shemetilo, and Alexei Petrov. May 1998. “Restructuring and Measurement of Efficiency in Firms in Transition.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

126. Campos, Nauro F., and Jeffrey B. Nugent. April 1998. “Economic Growth and Socio-Political Instability: In Search of a Causal Relationship.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

125. Filer, Randall K., Štěpán Jurajda, and Ján Plánovský. April 1998. “Returns to the Market: Valuing Human Capital in the Post-Transition Czech and Slovak Republics.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

124. Kočenda, Evžen. February 1998. “Disparities of Exchange Rates in CEE Countries.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

123. Žigić, Krešimir. January 1998. “Strategic Trade Policy, Spillovers, and the Uncertain Mode of Competition: Cournot vs. Bertrand.” (Abstract) (Full Text)


122. Hanousek, Jan, and Libor Němeček. December 1997. “Co-movements and Interactions between Segments of Parallel Markets: The Case of the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

121. Filer, Randall K., and Jan Hanousek. December 1997. “Informational Content of Prices Set Using Excess Demand: The Natural Experiment of Czech Voucher Privatization.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

120. Janda, Karel, and Gordon Rausser. October 1997. “The Estimation of Czech Conditional Food Import Demand.” (Abstract)

119. Hanousek, Jan, and Randall K. Filer. November 1997. “The Relationship Between Economic Factors and Equity Markets in Central Europe.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

118. Ham, John, Katherine Terrell, and Jan Švejnar. December 1997. “Unemployment and the Social Safety Net during Transitions to a Market Economy: Evidence from the Czech and Slovak Republics.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

117. Němeček, Libor. October 1997. “Liquidity and Information-Based Trading on the Order Driven Capital Market: the Case of Prague Stock Exchange.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

116. Lízal, Lubomír, Miroslav Singer, and Jan Švejnar. October 1997. “Enterprise Breakups and Performance During the Transition.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

115. Colonescu, Constantin. August 1997. “Antidumping, Antitrust, and Competition.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

114. Cukrowski, Jacek. April 1997. “Privatization Policy and Dynamics of the Retail Market in a Transitional Economy.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

113. Horniaček, Milan. June 1997. “Selection of Markov Equilibrium in a Dynamic Oligopoly with Production to Order.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

112. Horniaček, Milan. June 1997. “Selection of Equilibrium in a Dynamic Oligopoly with Cost-Reducing Investments.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

111. Horniaček, Milan. June 1997. “Continuous Strategy Markov Equilibrium in a Dynamic Duopoly with Capacity Constraints.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

110. Zemplinerová, Alena, and Vladimír Benáček. March 1997. “Foreign Direct Investment in the Czech Republic: Environment, Structure and Efficiency in the Manufacturing Sector.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

109. Hanousek, Jan, and Zdeněk Tůma. March 1997. “A Test of the Permanent Income Hypothesis on Czech Voucher Privatization.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

108. Krkoška, Libor. February 1997. “A Real Business Cycle Model for Panel Data: an Application for the Central European Transition Economies.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

107. Hanousek, Jan, and Evžen Kočenda. January 1997. “South American Capital Markets: Statistics of the Past Decade.” (Abstract) (Full Text)


106. Golbe, Devra L., and Randall K. Filer. December 1996. “Debt, Profitability, and Investment in Workplace Safety.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

105. Hanel, Petr. December 1996. “The Pros and Cons of Central Europe's Joining the EU.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

104. Filer, Randall K., and Jan Hanousek. November 1996. “The Extent of Efficiency in Central European Equity Markets.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

103. Kotrba, Josef. November 1996. “Privatization and Restructuring: Friends or Enemies?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

102. Schneider, Ondřej. November 1996. “The Harmonization of Public Pension Schemes: Perfect and Imperfect Labour Mobility Cases.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

101. Kočenda, Evžen. September 1996. “A Test for IID Residuals Based on Integrating over the Correlation Integral.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

100. Kočenda, Evžen, and David H. Papell. September 1996. “Inflation Convergence within the European Union: a Panel Data Analysis.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

99. Singer, Miroslav. November 1996. “Dynamic Labor Demand Estimation and Stability of Coefficients: the Case of the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

98. Cukrowski, Jacek A.. May 1996. “Organizational Restructuring in Response to Changes in Information-Processing Technology.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

97. Cukrowski, Jacek A.. May 1996. “Demand Uncertainty, Forecasting, and Monopolistic Equilibrium.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

96. Švejnar, Jan. April 1996. “Enterprises and Workers in the Transition: Econometric Evidence.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

95. Bohatá, Marie. March 1996. “The Changing Patterns of Czech Foreign Trade.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

94. Bohatá, Marie. March 1996. “Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Czech Manufacturing Industry.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

93. Žigić, Krešimir. March 1996. “Optimal Tariff, Spillovers and North-South Trade.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

92. Žigić, Krešimir. March 1996. “Intellectual Property Rights and North-South Trade: the Role of Spillovers.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

91. Cukrowski, Jacek A.. February 1996. “Optimal Replacement Strategies in Heat Transmission Systems.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

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