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Second-Year Research Fellowships Recipients Announced

17 June, 2020

Three second-year students have been awarded Research Fellowships sponsored by the RSJ Foundation. The evaluation committee selected Marta Cota, Artem Razumovskii and Sona Badalyan as this year's winners.

The Second-Year Research Fellowships are awarded for the best research proposals submitted by PhD in Economics students. The purpose of the fellowship is to facilitate the transition from course work to dissertation research and help students to fully concentrate on the first steps of their research career.

The results of the competition were announced during a special ceremony by the CERGE-EI Director Sergey Slobodyan and Professor Marek Kapička.

Marek Kapicka and Paolo Zacchia, members of this year’s academic committee, have evaluated a total of 14 student submissions and selected the three winners. 

The first prize of CZK 55 000 goes to Marta Cota for her research proposal "Extrapolative Income Expectations: Consequences for Savings Accumulation”"

The second prize of CZK 45 000 goes to Artem Razumovskii for his research proposal "Investigating the Effect of Deadlines: Spillovers and Optimal Allocation".

Sona Badalyan finished third and receives the prize of CZK 38 000 for her proposal "The Effect of Parental Leave Benefit Amount on Leave Duration and Reemployment Wages: Evidence from Regression Kink Design".

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