
Michal Bauer Awarded the Otto Wichterle Award 2011

14 June, 2011

Michal Bauer, Post-Doctoral Fellow at CERGE-EI, has been awarded the Otto Wichterle Award, an honour given by the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic to stimulate and encourage selected, exceptionally outstanding, promising young scientists at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic for their remarkable contributions to the advancement of scientific knowledge in a given area of science.

Read more: Michal Bauer Awarded the Otto Wichterle Award 2011


CERGE-EI Students' Contribution to the Report on Anti-Corruption Measures on June 9, 2011

7 June, 2011

Three CERGE-EI PhD candidates, Jan Novotný, Tomáš Lichard and Ján Palguta will present on Thursday, June 9, 2011, their three chapters long contribution to the report on Anti-corruption Measures prepared for the Czech National Economic Council. The presentation will be open for the public and takes place at 16:00 at FSV IES, Opletalova 26, room No. 314.


CERGE-EI Graduates Win Two of the Six CEE Best PhD Thesis Awards

12 April, 2011

Zvezda Dermendzhieva, a 2010 CERGE-EI graduate, and Branislav Saxa, a 2009 CERGE-EI graduate, have won two of the 6 Best CEE PhD Thesis Awards, an award launched by the UniCredit & Universitites Foundation.

Read more: CERGE-EI Graduates Win Two of the Six CEE Best PhD Thesis Awards


SHARE Becomes the First Project of a New European Legal Status ERIC

6 April, 2011

The Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) will become the first European Research Consortium (ERIC). Its new legal status will give SHARE many of the administrative advantages enjoyed by major international organisations, with much simplex procedure.

Read more: SHARE Becomes the First Project of a New European Legal Status ERIC


CERGE-EI Faculty Member Appointed to Czech National Bank Board

9 February, 2011

Lubomír Lízal, Citigroup Endowment Professor at CERGE-EI and 1998 PhD alumnus, was appointed to be a member of the Bank Board of the Czech National Bank by President Václav Klaus in a ceremony at Prague Castle on February 8, 2011.

Read more: CERGE-EI Faculty Member Appointed to Czech National Bank Board