Sets of micro-positioning stages for light in and out-coupling from integrated-optics devices (Melles Griot)
Set of micro-positioning stages light in and out-coupling from integrated-optics devices with closed-loop piezos, two stepper motors and optical feedback (Melles Griot, NanoMax series)
Tunable laser 1500-1640 nm (Agilent, 81642B)
Inscription of long period gratings
CO2 single-line laser, tunable in 9.2 – 10.8 µm range(Coherent, GEM Select 50),
micro-positioning stages (total travel of 50, 15, and 15 cm) with 10-nm encoder, linear motor and air bearing (the 50-cm axis only) (Aerotech, ABL20050, Als130-150),