Epifyty jsou rostliny, které rostou na povrchu jiných rostlin, ale neparazitují na nich. Nejčastěji je najdeme na větvích stromů. Takové prostředí přináší řadu odlišností oproti růstu v zemi. Na větvích je časově výrazně omezená dostupnost vody i živin, přitom dostatek světla. Epifytické rostliny se proto musejí přizpůsobit jednak příjmu vody i živin, jednak jejich dalšímu uchovávání.
K dalšímu čtení v Živě:
Epifytické organismy – otrlí bojovníci s hlubokým citem pro životní prostředí (2020, 2: XXXIV–XXXVI)
Epibionti aneb Život na životě (2018, 4: LXXXV–LXXXVIII)
Fyziologické adaptace sukulentních rostlin II. Uhlíkový metabolismus (1999, 3: 105–108)
Jak rostou orchideje ze semen (2016, 4: 168–171)
Geografické trendy biologické rozmanitosti: Proč je v tropech a v horách tolik druhů? (2019, 5: 206–209)
Použitá a doporučená literatura – knihy:
BENZING, David H. Air plants: epiphytes and aerial gardens. Cornell University Press, 2012.
LÜTTGE, Ulrich (ed.). Vascular plants as epiphytes: evolution and ecophysiology. Springer Science & Business Media, 2012.
ZOTZ, Gerhard. Plants on plants: the biology of vascular epiphytes. Berlin: Springer, 2016.
Odborné články:
CRAYN, Darren M., et al. Photosynthetic pathways in Bromeliaceae: phylogenetic and ecological significance of CAM and C3 based on carbon isotope ratios for 1893 species. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 178.2: 169-221. Dostupné online
DEFOSSEZ Emmanuel, et. al. Plant-ants feed their host plant, but above all a fungal symbiont to recycle nitrogen. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2010, 278: 1419–1426.
DENG, Hua, et al. Evolutionary history of PEPC genes in green plants: implications for the evolution of CAM in orchids. Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 2016, 94: 559-564.
CHOMICKI, Guillaume, et al. The velamen protects photosynthetic orchid roots against UV‐B damage, and a large dated phylogeny implies multiple gains and losses of this function during the C enozoic. New Phytologist, 2015, 205.3: 1330-1341.
GEGENBAUER, Christian, et al. Uptake of ant-derived nitrogen in the myrmecophytic orchid Caularthron bilamellatum. Annals of botany, 2012, 110.4: 757-766.
LI, Ming-He, et al. A perspective on crassulacean acid metabolism photosynthesis evolution of orchids on different continents: Dendrobium as a case study. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2019, 70.22: 6611-6619. Dostupné online
PAPINI, Alessio, et al. The ultrastructure of the development of Tillandsia (Bromeliaceae) trichome. Flora-Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants, 2010, 205.2: 94-100. Dostupné online
SILVERA, Katia, et al. Crassulacean acid metabolism and epiphytism linked to adaptive radiations in the Orchidaceae. Plant Physiology, 2009, 149.4: 1838-1847. Dostupné online
ZOTZ, Gerhard; SCHICKENBERG, Nina; ALBACH, Dirk. The velamen radicum is common among terrestrial monocotyledons. Annals of botany, 2017, 120.5: 625-632.
ZOTZ, Gerhard; WINKLER, Uwe. Aerial roots of epiphytic orchids: the velamen radicum and its role in water and nutrient uptake. Oecologia, 2013, 171.3: 733-741.
Epiphytes are plants growing on the surface of other plants but not parasitising them. They frequently grow on branches of trees. Such a habitat is markedly different from that of ground-growing plants. There is time-limited water and nutrient availability but enough light. Epiphytes therefore develop numerous adaptations to increase the water and nutrient uptake and to store these resources.