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Research Activities

The main focus of the laboratory is the research and development of construction binders produced by the calcination of limestone and other carbonate rocks with a specific focus on historical materials and procedures. The work is centered around the lime kiln itself, which allows the experimental small-scale production of lime and cement binders using technologies common mainly before the 1950’s. In terms of processing, the resulting binders and knowledge offer practical use for the care of cultural heritage and can also be used as inspiration when evaluating the options for the use of traditional materials and technologies in current civil engineering projects and the most advanced research.
Concurrently with the above-mentioned focus, the laboratory specializes in the study of specific materials, structures and technologies of historical buildings. In cooperation with archaeologists, restorers, building historians, architects and designers, the lab prepares scientific and expert archeometric studies, which allow the accurate interpretation of findings, the determination of material composition and production/engineering procedures, the identification of resources of historical raw materials and the description of changes due to degradation and damage.

Furthermore, the laboratory focuses long term on the collection of information on historical lime kilns, limestone quarries and sources of raw materials. The information collected is available from GIS - Calcarius.

Department focuses on:

Study of historical construction materials (analyses, tests, consultations, case studies)

  • Research on and replication of historical construction technologies
  • Development and design of new mortar mixtures with a composition, quality and production process corresponding to the original historical compound
  • Design of repair procedures for authentic elements of historical buildings in cases where the repair is carried out in such a manner that the resulting copy is as authentic as possible
  • Documentation of sources of historical raw materials and technologies
  • Identification of the origin of raw materials for lime or building stone (marble) production
  • Material research (optimization of production and functional properties, setting and hardening processes)
  • Evaluation of production factors, functional properties and environmental impacts


Exhibition Calcarius čili vápeník (26.9.2015–27.11.2016) Centrum stavitelského dědictví, Plasy.
