Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 2015, 51(3): 387-416 | DOI: 10.13060/00380288.2015.51.3.184

The Notion of Social Class in Czech Political Discourse

Karel Musílek, Tomáš Katrňák
Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, Brno

The article studies the discourse on social class that emerged around the Czech parliamentary election of 2010. The authors look at Czech discourse from the perspective of the wider discussion about the role that the notion of class plays in post-communist societies. While some researchers argue that social class is absent as a category within post-communist political discourse, other researchers report the existence of derogatory discourse on the lower classes and even consistent symbolic boundaries between classes. This analysis contributes to the discussion by offering recent evidence of both the rejection and the use of class-based classification in the discourse. The authors argue that the rejection of the notion of class goes hand in hand with the symbolic division of society into class-like groups. They illustrate how these divisions are tied to the idea of a legitimate political subjectivity and conclude by noting similarities to contemporary 'Western' discourse on social class.

Keywords: social class, inequality, political discourse, post-socialism, Czech society

Published: June 1, 2015Show citation

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Musílek, K., & Katrňák, T. (2015). The Notion of Social Class in Czech Political Discourse. Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review51(3), 387-416. doi: 10.13060/00380288.2015.51.3.184.
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