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CERGE-EI Promotes Economic Research Among High School Students

6 May, 2019

The highly-successful "Projects in Applied Economics for Talented High School Students" program will be offered for a fourth time from September-December 2019.

High school students who wish to gain a deeper understanding of economics are invited to register for the program by June 23, 2019.


Participants in the program work in an advanced academic environment, learning and applying research methodology and pursuing their own research interests while supervised by experienced academics.

They are encouraged to examine a wide range of economic topics from different angles, which usually differ significantly from their previous classroom experience.

"Our goal is to teach how research is done in Economics and how it helps students to better understand our society,“ said program coordinator, Filip Pertold.

The program is supported by the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports, and the working language is English.



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