Unemployment Viewed by Public Opinion – II.

27% of respondents believe that most unemployed do not work because they do not want to work, 49% believe that those who cannot find a corresponding or suitable job prevail amongst the unemployed, and 18% believe that the main reason for unemployment is that the unemployed cannot find any job at all. Czech citizens are mostly convinced that both, to find employment in the region in which they live and also to find a job in their specialist field irrespective of a region is difficult.

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Unemployment as Viewed by Public Opinion – I.

Approximately two thirds of (66%) of inhabitants older than fifteen consider unemployment in the CR to be too high, approximately one quarter (27%) consider it to be adequate. 56% of respondents presume that in the next two years there will be a small increase in unemployment, 29% of respondents stated that the unemployment levels in the next two years would not change considerably and only 2% contemplate its decrease in the next two years.

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Citizens on the Standard of Living of their Households

In the survey from the end of November and beginning of December 2002, more than two thirds (68%) of respondents describe the standard of living of their household as being good, contrary to this 31% describe it as being bad. In comparison to 2002, this is the most positive recorded result which, however, is not surprising, because the period of the end of November and beginning of December, or more precisely the beginning of December, is the time of year when the subjective evaluations provided by respondents is the best when compared to the long-term cross-section.

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Satisfaction with Current Employment

Results show that the most critical evaluation by employees was concerning their salaries, both when assessing their current pay level and, in particular, the prospects for its increase and also job security. In response to the question about the care employees receive from their companies, we recorded an approximately balanced proportion of those who were satisfied and those who were not. When other aspects of current employment were surveyed, satisfaction prevailed; almost three quarters of respondents were satisfied with the interesting aspects of their work or how their skills and qualifications were utilised.

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Company Situation and Mobility of Employees

On average, respondents believe that the monthly salary for a family of four which marks the poverty level is 22,210 CZK however the most frequent response stated 20,000 CZK. The concept of the poverty level continuously changes with the perception of income which would be sufficient to cover basic requirements of the respondents’ household needs. People with a higher standard of living...

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Perceived Poverty Level

On average, respondents believe that the monthly salary for a family of four which marks the poverty level is 22,210 CZK however the most frequent response stated 20,000 CZK. The concept of the poverty level continuously changes with the perception of income which would be sufficient to cover basic requirements of the respondents’ household needs. People with a higher standard of living also define the poverty level to be higher.

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Citizens Views on the Standard of Living of their Households

In the survey from the end of February to the beginning of March 2002 three fifths (60% of respondents) the standard of living of their household as being good, compared to 37% who described it as being bad. At the end of March and beginning of April, the ratio of the positive evaluation was increased by 6% to a total of 66% with a currently decreasing critical evaluation of one’s household by 5% to a total of 32%.

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The Inhabitants of Seven Countries Describe their Materialistic Conditions

With the exception of Romania and Bulgaria where the majority of inhabitants perceive their materialistic living conditions as being bad, the inhabitants of the other countries usually describe them as being average. This group in the Czech Republic contains 48% of respondents. The proportion of our inhabitants describing their condition as being very good or relatively good is 28%, which is the best result out of all countries surveyed.

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The Inhabitants of Seven Countries Describe the Economic Situation of their Countries

The inhabitants of the surveyed countries do not expect any significant economic changes both for the better or worse before the beginning of the next year. Approximately half of Poles, Hungarians and Russians and approximately two fifths of Czechs, Slovaks and Bulgarians envisage economic stagnation. Those who are most enthusiastic about their future are Hungarians – almost one third of them (31%) envisage a positive development and only eight percent a negative development.

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