Tolerance to Selected Groups of Population - March 2018


In March 2018 Public Opinion Research Centre focused on social distance among the majority population and different social groups. Social distance was measured by a specific question: people should pick from a list of 15 different groups those, which they would not like to have as neighbours.

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The interest in beer and its choice in 2017


In September 2017 CVVM SOÚ AV ČR replicated some of the questions about beer, which constitute a part of research project Pubs and Beer in Czech Society that is under way since 2004. This press release maps basic results of questions about the choice of beer, preference of favourite brands and willingness to tray unfamiliar ones and also about the interest in information concerning beer.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<              

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Beer in Czech society in 2017


In September 2017 CVVM SOÚ AV ČR replicated some of the questions about beer, which constitute a part of research project Pubs and Beer in Czech Society that is under way since 2004. This press release maps basic trends about the share of consumers among Czech citizens and about both amount and frequency of beer consumption from 2004 to 2017. The status of non-alcoholic beer is mentioned as well.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<

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Attitudes to smoking ban in restaurants in 2017


In September 2017 CVVM SOÚ AV ČR surveyed questions about the ban of smoking in gastronomical facilities. This press release maps basic results about the attitudes to the ban before the introduction of the act in June 2017 and three months after, both in the context of the general public and within groups of people which attend different kinds of restaurants. The press release brings also the information about arguments, which Czech citizens use for giving reasons to their agreement and disagreement with the introduction of the act.

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Public Fears, Feeling of Safety and Satisfaction with the Activities of the Police - December 2017


In December survey of the Public Opinion Research Centre, citizens answered questions concerning their fears, their sense of security and their satisfaction with the activities of the police.

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Czech Citizens about Health Care in the Czech Republic - December 2017


In December 2017 Public Opinion Research Centre included a block of questions connected to health care. Questions focused mainly on satisfaction with health care in the Czech Republic, evaluation of the quality of the health care in the last year and the amount of information provided by the doctors. Respondents evaluated their own health condition and possibilities to decide the ways of their medical treatment.

With health care, 51% of citizens are satisfied, 18% are dissatisfied and 30% are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.

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Public Opinion on Health Care System - December 2017


In December 2017 Public Opinion Research Centre included a block of questions related to health care system in its regular survey. Citizens were asked about their overall satisfaction with health care system in the Czech Republic as well as their views on the various problematic areas of healthcare, such as the financing of public health, management of drugs and functioning of insurance companies.

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Selected CVVM Press Release available in English

The Public Opinion Research Centre (CVVM) within the research programme "Memory in the Digital Age" supported by the AV21 Strategy of the Academy of Sciences translated to English several press releases from the first half of this year to provide the final findings not only to Czechs. Press releases in English are available on previously published annotations.

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Romanies and Coexistence with Them in View of Czech Public – September 2017


September survey of CVVM focused on public attitude and public relationships between Czech population and Romany minority. Survey showed that three quarters of Czech citizens (74%) see living together of Romany and non-Romany population as bad in Czech Republic generally.

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Attitudes of the Czech society towards an amendment of a law about Czech educational system, higher education fees and standardized secondary school graduation tests – September 2017


In September, the Public Opinion Research Centre asked a set of questions related to attitudes of the Czech citizens towards last year's amendment of a law about Czech educational system. Simultaneously, the Public Opinion Research Centre probed opinions about standardized secondary school graduation tests and fees for the higher education.

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