ice men (ledoví muži) 2

Text dotazu

Do you suppose that the term "iron men" refers to the "ice men?" Do you know if they had names? I can't thank you enough for your help. I really appreciate it.


Referring to your request we inform you that the terms "iron men" and "ice men" are identical.
It exists other terms as well, for example: iron brothers, ice saints, frozen men, frozen brothers, a snap of late frosts in mid-May and so on. Concerning the origin of the term the one of the versions tells, that the term came from the bilingual Czech-german environment (mainly near the frontiers in the region of South Bohemia) by the wrong translation from the german language caused by the exchange of the word "Eisenmänner" (=Iron men) instead of "Eismänner" (=Ice men).
In Germany the ice men period than began one day ago: May 11. - St. Mamert, in Czech the ice man period began May12. - St. Pancras. May 14. is St. Sophia - wet or weeping The number of weather lores is associated with this period. e.g.: "Cold May, the paradise in the barn". "Saint Sophia, the wine is drunk up" (= in case that the frost will come).


Antropologie, etnografie




Národní knihovna ČR

Datum zadání dotazu

23.01.2008 14:35

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