Igor Sedlár

In print


  • I. Sedlár: Finitely-valued propositional dynamic logics. In: Nicola Olivetti, Rineke Verbrugge, Sara Negri, Gabriel Sandu (Eds.), Advances in Modal Logic, Volume 13, pp. 561-579. College Publications, 2020.
  • I. Sedlár: Iterative division in the Distributive Full Non-associative Lambek Calculus. In: Luís Soares Barbosa and Alexandru Baltag (Eds.), Dynamic Logic. New Trends and Applications. (Proc. DaLí 2019), pp. 141-154. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12005, Springer, 2020. [Preprint]







  • I. Sedlár: An outline of a substructural model of BTA-belief. Organon F, 20 (Suppl. Issue 2), 160-170, 2013.
  • I. Sedlár: Information, awareness and substructural logics. In: Libkin, L., Kohlenbach, U., de Queiroz, R. (Eds.), Logic, Language, Information, and Computation (Proc. WoLLIC 2013), pp. 266-281. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8071, Springer, 2013.
  • I. Sedlár: From pair points to pairs of models. In: V. Punčochář and P. Švarný (Eds.), The Logica Yearbook 2012. College Publications, 2013.
  • I. Sedlár: Justifications, awareness and epistemic dynamics. In: S. Artemov and A. Nerode (Eds.), Logical Foundations of Computer Science (Proc. LFCS 2013), pp. 307-318. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7734, Springer, 2013.


  • I. Sedlár: Boxes are relevant. In: M. Peliš and V. Punčochář (Eds.), The Logica Yearbook 2011. College Publications, 2012.
  • I. Sedlár: Neomylnost' a logika (Infallibility and logic, in Slovak). Organon F, 19(1), 239-254, 2012.
  • I. Sedlár: Prirodzená dedukcia, či analytické tably? (Natural deduction or analytic tableaus?, in Slovak) In: L. Dostálová (Ed.), Organon VIII: Calculemus, pp. 53-61. University of Western Bohemia Press, 2012.


  • I. Sedlár: Moorean sentences in update semantics. Organon F, 18(2), 142-153, 2011.
  • J. Podroužek, I. Sedlár: Logics of Moore's paradox. In: M. Peliš and V. Punčochář (Eds.), The Logica Yearbook 2010. College Publications, 2011.
  • I. Sedlár: V čom sa nemžete mýlit'? (On what you cannot be mistaken about, in Slovak). Organon F, 18(3), 351-362, 2011.
  • I. Sedlár: Čo dokáže filozof? (Prove to be a philosopher, in Slovak) In: L. Dostálová (Ed.), Organon VII aneb Nihil Novi, pp. 23-29. University of Western Bohemia Press, 2011.


  • J. Podroužek, I. Sedlár: Justification logic as dynamic epistemic logic? In: X. Arrazola and M. Ponte (Eds.), Proceedings of the Second ILCLI International Workshop on Logic and Philosophy of Knowledge, Communication, and Action (LogKCA-10), pp. 431-442. The University of the Basque Country Press, 2010.
  • J. Podroužek, I. Sedlár: A new notion of meaning connection and the logic of simple processes. In: M. Peliš (Ed.), The Logica Yearbook 2009, pp. 247-258. College Publications, 2010.
  • P. Ježík, D. Kamhal, I. Sedlár, P. Sýkora: Saul Kripke a oživenie metafyziky (Saul Kripke and the Resurrection of Metaphysics, in Slovak). Schola Philosophica, 2010.
  • J. Podroužek, I. Sedlár: Poznanie, verifikácia a logika jednoduchých procesov (Knowledge, verification and the logic of simple processes, in Slovak). In: M. Zouhar (Ed.), Kontext a význam. Aleph, 2010.


  • I. Sedlár: C. I. Lewis on possible worlds. History and Philosophy of Logic, 30(3), 283-291, 2009.
  • I. Sedlár: Implikácia a tri druhy obsahovej súvislosti (Implication and three kinds of meaning connection, in Slovak). Filozofia, 64(4), 339-345, 2009.
  • J. Podroužek, I. Sedlár: Náčrt logiky jednoduchých procesov (An outline of the logic of simple processes, in Slovak). In: P. Sousedík (ed.), Ozvěny Fregovy filosofie, pp. 111-123. Institute of Philosophy of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2009.