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Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica 8/2016, number 1







  • David Kozler (Charles University, Prague), New Questions and Current Research into the Stay of Jan Hus at Castle Krakovec
  • Adam Pálka (Masaryk University, Brno), Papoušek versus Lupáč: Discussions on the Interpretation of the Basel Compacts from the Mid-Fifteenth Century
  • Zuzana Křenková (University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague), Cloister of the Franciscan Observant Friars in Kamenz – The Problematic Royal Foundation in Upper Lusatia




  • Karel Pacovský, Kult první svatojiřské abatyše ve středověku
  • Petr Kubín, Byla Mlada středověkou světicí?





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