Filosofický ústav Akademie věd ČR, v.v.i.
Jilská 1
Praha 1
111 00
(+420) 221 183 354
majer (at) flu.cas.cz
About me
Research interests
game theory, dynamic logic, the logic of counterfactuals, modal logic, fuzzy logic, foundations of probability
Master's Degree in Theory of Systems and Game theory, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics;
CSc (an equivalent of PhD) in Logic, Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Present position - Researcher, Department of Logic, Institute of Philosophy, ASCR
Grant projects
Actual grant projects
- Foundations of Logic in the Light of New Results of Philosophy and Science. GAČR (2013-2016, GA13-21076S)
team member - Logika: systémový rámec rozvoje oboru v ČR a koncepce logických propedeutik pro mezioborová studia
MŠMT (4/2013-6/2015, OPVK - 2.2 Vysokoškolské vzdělávání, CZ.1.07/2.2.00/28.0216)
project coordinator at the Institute of Philosophy - A Multivalued Approach to Optima and Equilibria in Economics. GAČR (2012-2014, GAP402/12/1309)
team member - Game - theoretical approach to many - valued logics. MŠMT (2013-2014, 7AMB13AT014)
principal investigator at the Institute of Computer Science ASCR
Finished grant projects
- Formal and Historical Approaches to Epistemology. GAČR (2010-2012, GAP401/10/1504)
team member - Logical models of reasoning with vague information. GAČR (2008-2011, GEICC/08/E018), ESF, EUROCORES Scheme, LogICCC Programme.
co-investigator - Dynamic Formal Systems. Joint project with Institute of Computer Science and Institute of Mathematics (2007-2010, GAAV: IAA900090703)
principal investigator - Logical analysis - theories and applications. A comprehensive research project complemented with organizational and publication programmes. (2007-2009, GAČR: GA401/07/0904)
team member - Logical foundations of semantics and knowledge representation. Doctoral project (2003-2007, GA ČR:. 401/03/H047)
team member - LOGICA 2004-2006: a comprehensive project combining research, organisation and publication programmes in logic, (2004-2006, GAČR: GA401/04/0117)
team member
Selected Publications
Selected publications
Sedlár, I., Majer, O.: Modelling sources of inconsistent information in paraconsistent modal logic. In: Omori, H., Wansing, H., eds. New Essays on Belnap-Dunn Logic. Cham: Springer, 2019, s. 293-310. Synthese Library. Studies in Epistemology, Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, 418.
Běhounek, L., Majer O.: Fuzzy intensional semantics, Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, 2018, 28(4), 348-388,
Fermüller, Ch. G., Majer, O.: On semantic games for Łukasiewicz logic. Jaakko Hintikka on Knowledge and Game-Theoretical Semantics. Springer, Cham, 2018. 263-278.
Lupkowski, P., Majer, O., Peliš, M., Urbanski, M.: Epistemic Erotetic Search Scenarios. Logic and Logical Philosophy. 2018, 27(3), 301-328.
Childers, Timothy, Majer, O.: Eliciting Uncertainties: A Two Structure Approach. Studia Logica. 2018, 106(3), 615-636.
Bílková, M., Majer, O., Peliš, M.: Epistemic logics for sceptical agents. Journal of Logic and Computation. 2016, 26(6), 1815-1841.
Fermüller, Ch. G., Majer, O.: Equilibrium Semantics for IF Logic and Many-Valued Connectives. International Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language, and Computation. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2015, 290-312.
Kroupa, T., Majer, O.: Optimal strategic reasoning with McNaughton functions. International journal of approximate reasoning, 2014, 55(6), 1458-1468.
Majer, O., Peliš, M.: Interpretace znalosti v substrukturálních rámcích [Knowledge Interpretation in Substructural Frames], Organon F 20 (Supplementary Issue 1), 2013, pp. 79-98
Peliš, M., Majer, O.: Logic of Questions and Public Announcements, in: Logic, Language, and Computation (Eighth International Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language, and Computation 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 6618), Bezhanishvili, N., Löbner, S., Schwabe, K., Spada, L. (eds), Springer, 2011, pp. 145-157
Majer, O.: Comments on Many-Valued Semantics for Vague Counterfactuals by Marco Cerami and Pere Pardo, in: Understanding vagueness, Cintula, P., Fermüller, C.; Godo, L., Hájek, P. (eds), College Publications, London, 2011, pp. 363-366
Majer, O.: Comments on Vagueness, Tolerance and Non-Transitive Entailment by Robert van Rooij, in: Understanding vagueness, Cintula, P., Fermüller, C.; Godo, L., Hájek, P. (eds), College Publications, London, 2011, pp. 223-227
Běhounek, L., Majer, O.: A Semantics for Counterfactuals Based on Formal Fuzzy Logic, in: The Logica Yearbook 2010, Peliš, M., Punčochář, V. (eds), College Publications, London, 2011, pp. 25-41
Bílková, M., Majer, O., Peliš, M., Restall, G.: Relevant Agents, in: Advances in Modal Logic 2010, Beklemishev, L., Goranko, V., Shehtman, V. (eds), College Publications, London, 2010, pp. 22-38
Majer, O., Peliš, M.: Relevant Epistemic Logic, in: Logic and Interactive Rationality (Yearbook 2009), Grossi, D., Kurzen, L., Velázquez-Quesada, F.R. (eds), ILLC, Amsterdam, 2010, pp. 56-68
Childers, T., Majer, O.: Kondicionály [Conditionals], in: Logika a přirozený jazyk, Svoboda, V. et al., Filosofia, Praha, 2010, pp. 153-191
Peliš, M., Majer, O.: Logic of Questions from the Viewpoint of Dynamic Epistemic Logic, in: The Logica Yearbook 2009, Peliš, M. (ed.), College Publications, London, 2010, pp. 157-172
Cintula, P., Majer, O.: Towards Evaluation Games For Fuzzy Logics, in: Games: Unifying Logic, Language, and Philosophy, Majer, O., Pietarinen, A., Tulenheimo, T. (eds), Springer, 2009, pp. 117-138
Majer, O., Pietarinen, A., Tulenheimo, T.: Introduction, in: Games: Unifying Logic, Language, and Philosophy, Majer, O., Pietarinen, A., Tulenheimo, T. (eds), Springer, 2009, pp. ix-xxiii
Majer, O., Peliš, M.: Epistemic logics for relevant agents, in: The Logica Yearbook 2008, Peliš, M. (ed.), College Publications, London, 2009, pp. 123-135
van Ditmarsch, H., Hill, B., Majer, O.: Logic of change, change of logic, in: Synthese 171(2), 2009, pp. 227-355
Majer, O.: Logické hry a pravdivostní hodnoty [Logical games and truth values], in: Hra, věda a filosofie, Nosek, J. (ed.), Filosofia, Praha, 2006, pp. 131-141
Majer, O.: Hry a význam logických spojek [Games and the meaning of logical connectives], in: Jazyk - logika - věda, Sousedík, P. (ed.), Filosofia, Praha, 2005, pp. 223-232
Majer, O.: Probability and possible worlds, in: Possibility and Reality - Metaphysics and Logic, Rott, H., Horák, V. (eds), Ontos Verlag, Frankfurt-London, 2003, pp. 139-148
Majer, O.: Teoria zdarzen sekvencyjnych, in: Filozofia Nauki X, 37(1), 2002, pp. 83-108
Majer, O.: Logika a pravděpodobnost, Miscellanea Logica III, Bendová, K., Švejdar, V. (eds), Karolinum, Praha, 2002, pp. 71-80
Majer, O.: Global probability for possible worlds, in: The Logica Yearbook 2001, Childers, T., Majer, O. (eds), Filosofia, Praha, 2002, pp. 195-205
Majer, O., Childers T.: Má dnes smysl mluvit o logickém pojetí pravděpodobnosti? [Does it make sense to speak about the logical approach to probability today?], in: Úvahy o pravdivosti, Nosek, J. (ed), Filosofia, Praha 2001, pp. 179-192
Majer, O.: Subjektivní pravděpodobnost a realistické možné světy [Subjective probability and realistic possible worlds], in: Filosofický časopis 3/49, 2001, pp. 495-505
Majer, O.: Counterfactual probability redistributed, in: Reports on Philosophy 20/2000, Jagellonian University Press, pp. 37-49
Editing work
Childers, T., Majer, O. (eds): Interpreting Probability, special issue of Journal of Logic, Language and Information 21(2), 2012, 95 pages
Majer, O., Pietarinen, A., Tulenheimo, T. (eds): Games: Unifying Logic, Language, and Philosophy, Springer, 2009, 374 pages
van Ditmarsch, H., Hill, B., Majer, O. (eds): Knowledge, Rationality & Action. Logic of Change, Change of Logic, special issue of Synthese 171(2 (November)), 2009, 129 pages
Majer, O., Childers, T., (eds): The Logica Yearbook 2002, Filosofia, Praha, 2003, 272 pages
Majer, O., Childers, T., (eds): The Logica Yearbook 2001, Filosofia, Praha, 2002, 268 pages
Majer, O. (ed.): Topics in Conceptual Analysis and Modeling, Filosofia, Praha, 2000, 408 pages
Childers, T.: Co je pravděpodobnost? (Philosophy and Probability), Aleph, Bratislava, 2011, 228 pages
Organizing activities
ManyVal 2013: Games, Decisions and Rationality, Prague 2013
Prague Workshop on Non-Classical Epistemic Logics, Prague 2013
Non–Classical Epistemic Logics, workshop. Prague 2012
Prague Workshop on Epistemic Logics, Prague 2011
Prague Workshop on Logics of Questions, Prague 2011
Epistemic Aspects of Many-valued Logic, Prague International Colloquium, Prague 2010, co-chair of the organising committee
Foundations of Uncertainty: Probability and Its Rivals, Prague International Colloquium, Prague 2009 - co-chair of the organising committee
Logic of Change, Change of Logic, Prague International Colloquium, Prague 2008 - co-chair of the organising committee
Uncertainty: Reasoning about probability and vagueness, Prague International Colloquium, Prague 2006 - co-chair of the organising committee
Logic, Games and Philosophy: Foundational Perspectives, Prague International Colloquium, Prague 2004 - co-chair of the organising committee
Prague International Colloquium on Formal Epistemology, Prague International Colloquium, Prague, vila Lanna, 2002 - chair of the organising committee
Is Meaning Dynamic? Prague International Colloquium, Prague, vila Lanna, 2001 - co-chair of the organising committe
Contributions at international conferences (selection)
Strategic Games over Lukasiewicz Logic (with T. Kroupa) , TbiLLC 2013: Tenth International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation (Gudauri, Georgia), September 2013
Erotetic Logics in Private Communication Protocol (with P. Švarný and M. Peliš), Logica 2013 (Hejnice), June 2013
A Semantics for Counterfactuals Based on Formal Fuzzy Logic, UniLog 2013 (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil), April 2013
Two Kinds of Game Semantics for Fuzzy Logics, Games, Game Theory and Game Semantics: Philosophical and Scientific Perspectives (Riga, Latvia), May 2012
Nash Equilibria in a Class of Zero-Sum Games Represented by McNaughton Functions, Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees 2012 (Kanazawa, Japan), September 2012
Substructural epistemic logics, Non-classical Modal and Predicate Logics (Guangzhou, China), December 2011
Relevant Agents, 14th Congress of Logic, Metodology and Philosophy of Science (Nancy, France), June 2011
Evaluation Games in Fuzzy Logic, Proof and Dialogue (Tübingen, Germany), February 2011
Lukasiewicz Logic as a Negotiation Game, Dialogues, Inference, and Proof - Logical and Empirical Perspectives (Vienna, Austria), November 2010
A representationalist account of fuzzy attitudes (with T. Childers), Prague International Colloquium: Epistemic Aspects of Many-valued Logics (Prague), September 2010
Non-safe Structures in Fuzzy Logics and Game Semantics and Semantics of counterfactuals in higher-order fuzzy logic (with L. Běhounek), LATD 2010 (Prague), September 2010
A Semantics for Counterfactuals Based on Formal Fuzzy Logic (with L. Běhounek), Logica 2010 (Hejnice), July 2010
Questions as Public Announcements, Eighth International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation (Bakuriani, Georgia), September 2009
Representing Subjective Probabilities (with T. Childers), Prague International Colloquium: Foundations of Uncertainty: Probability and Its Rivals (Prague), September 2009
Logic of Questions from the Viewpoint of Dynamic Epistemic Logic (with M. Peliš), Logica 2009 (Hejnice), June 2009
Epistemic Logics for Relevant Agents (with M. Peliš), Logica 2008 (Hejnice), June 2008
Epistemic Logics in Relevant Framework (with M. Peliš), Logic Colloquium 2008 (Bern, Switzerland), July 2008
Relevant Framework for Knowledge Representation (with M. Peliš), ECAP 6: Sixth European Congress of Analytic Philosophy (Krakow, Poland), August 2008
Fuzzy Logic and Betting Games, Foundations of the Formal Sciences VI: Reasoning about Probabilities and Probabilistic Reasoning (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), June 2007
Probabilistic Representation of Fuzzy Logics, Logic Colloquium 2007 (Wroclav, Poland), July 2007
Probabilistic Extension of IF Logic, Progic07: The Third Workshop on Combining Probability and Logic (Kent, GB), September 2007
Game-theoretic Interpretation of Lukasiewicz Logic (with P. Cintula), Logica 2006 (Hejnice), June 2006
Evaluation games for fuzzy logics, Logic Colloquium 2006 (Nijmegen, The Netherlands), July-August 2006
Probabilistic Extension of Fuzzy Logic, Towards Mathematical Philosophy (Toruň, Poland), August 2006
Evaluation Games for Fuzzy Logics, 1st International Congress on Universal Logic (Montreux, Switzerland), April 2005
Betting on Fuzzy Logic, Prague International Colloquium on Dutch Book Arguments (Prague), August 2005