Public Opinion on Health Care System


In December 2015 Public Opinion Research Centre included a block of questions related to health care system in its regular survey. Citizens were asked about their overall satisfaction with health care system in the Czech Republic as well as their views on the various problematic areas of healthcare, such as the financing of public health, management of drugs and functioning of insurance companies.

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Attitudes towards complete smoking ban in restaurants - September 2015


In September 2015 CVVM examined citizens' views on smoking ban in restaurants. Almost three-fifths of Czech public (58%) would agree with this ban, less than two fifths (38%) would disagree.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<

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Public Views on Fees and Some Other Measures in Healthcare - December 2014


December 2014 survey of Public Opinion Research Centre included a block of questions concerning health and health care. Within the frame of this block there were investigated views of Czech citizens on different types of existing fees and on other cost-saving measures being considered in the healthcare system.

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Citizen's Veiws on Health Care in the Czech Republic - December 2014


In December 2014, Public Opinion Research Centre enquired about health care. With health care 54% citizens are satisfied, 15% are dissatisfied and 30% are neither satisfied, nor dissatisfied.

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Czech Public on Health Care - December 2014


In December 2014, Public Opinion Research Centre enquired about health care system in the Czech republic. We were interested in satisfaction of citizens with health care system in the Czech Republic and public opinion on issues in some specific areas of the health care system.

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Public Opinion on HIV/AIDS Issue – June 2014


In June within the regular survey the Public Opinion Research Centre focused on the HIV/AIDS issue. The majority (83%) of the Czech Republic population representatives state that they are not afraid of HIV/AIDS infection but 73% of them perceive the disease as a current problem. Fifty five percent of them believe the relevant institutions are engaged in HIV/AIDS issues adequately.
>> Full text is available in Czech only <<

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Public Views on Fees and Some Other Measures in Healthcare - December 2013


December 2013 survey of Public Opinion Research Centre included a block of questions concerning health and health care. Within the frame of this block there were investigated views of Czech citizens on different types of existing fees and on other cost-saving measures being considered in healthcare.

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Czech Public on Health Care - December 2013


In December 2013, Public Opinion Research Centre enquired about health care. With health care 48% citizens are satisfied, 20% are dissatisfied and 31% are neither satisfied, nor dissatisfied.

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Opinion on Health Care in Czech Republic - December 2013


In December 2013, Public Opinion Research Centre enquired about health care system in Czech republic. We were interested in satisfaction of citizens with health care system in the Czech Republic and public opinion on issues in specific areas of the health care system.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<

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Public opinion on the issue of HIV/AIDS - May 2013


Public attitudes to HIV/AIDS were the topic of the May survey. Majority of Czechs (80 %) are not afraid of HIV infection, but 74 % percent of them believe that AIDS currently poses problem for the Czech Republic. Sixty two percent believe that the relevant institutions engage in AIDS issues adequately. 

All reports from this survey

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