
Congratulations to Olga Loiseau-Aslanidi, who won Alumni Award 2019! And big thanks to all alumni, who help us to keep the CERGE-EI community so dedicated.

Pictures from the Graduation Gala, where Alumni Award was presented, can be found here.

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Nominations 2019

In recognition of the outstanding support that our graduates provide to the CERGE-EI community, the Alumni Awards take place each year. Faculty, students, staff and other CERGE-EI members come together to nominate and vote for an alumnus/alumna who has significantly contributed to the CERGE-EI community over the past year, made a significant work achievement, or simply inspired others.

The nominations that we received from members of the CERGE-EI community are listed below. (Note: two of the nominations could not be listed, as the nominees have not yet graduated. Similarly, one other nomination had to be excluded because the nominee is employed as an EI junior researcher).

Dejan Kovač

Dejan Kovac     

Dejan is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public & International Affairs and Economics Department at Princeton University. With a series of recent media appearances in his home country, Dejan has shared his knowledge and experience from CERGE-EI and Princeton to define topical issues in the government of education and other public areas of social life, and suggests innovative policy measures for their solution based on the implications of the latest economics research on these topics.

Olga Loiseau-Aslanidi    

Olga Loiseau Aslanidi

Olga is Head of Risk Modelling at Moody’s Analytics, Singapore. For many years, Olga led the Moody's Analytics Prague office, where more than a dozen PhD, MA and MAE students have successfully commenced their professional lives. She is very supportive of her team, and her very positive attitude and strong exploring spirit ignite the best qualities in people around her, pushing them to achieve their best and face the challenges of the private sector.

Marek Paris       

Marek Paris

Marek is Head of Data Analytics in Cogvio, a technology and data science company focused on the development of specialized applications in the pharmaceutical, medical device and healthcare segment. He is one of the most active MAE alumni, contributing to the development of the MAE program as a leader and advisor of the MAE student projects, and is also one of the founders of the MAE Alumni scholarship. His enthusiasm and drive are a constant source of motivation for the improvement of MAE program.

Petar Stankov   

Petar Stankov

Petar Stankov is a teaching fellow of the Economics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. He is also a senior lecturer at the Economics Department of the University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria. Petar has published on the political economy of populism, economic growth, economic freedom reforms, and a variety of reform outcomes across countries. Petar is a dedicated teacher and has been involved in numerous CERGE-EI projects focused on prospective students and graduate teaching fellows.

Jiří Střelický       

Jiří is Chairman of the Board and CEO at CSOB Pojišťovna. He has been nominated for his ongoing fundraising efforts and his long-term dedication to CERGE-EI. He is also a long-standing and very active member (and now the president) of Nadace CERGE-EI, through which he has helped to foster economics education in the Czech Republic and throughout Central and Eastern Europe.

 Jiri Strelicky


Alumni Awards 2018

Alumni Awards 2017

Alumni Awards 2016