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Application Deadline Prolonged for All Study Programs and NET

26 March, 2020

The deadline for submitting applications for our study programs has been postponed until 30 April. This change also applies for the New Economic Talent competition.

"Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we are all dealing with quite unusual circumstances. There are so many decisions to be made in a short period of time, so much uncertainty. It is difficult to think about future months, not speaking of future years. That is why it was decided to give prospective students some extra time to adapt to the new situation," said CERGE-EI Director Sergey Slobodyan.

CERGE-EI offers three graduate study programs: MA in Economic Research, MA in Applied Economics and PhD in Economics. Students who are interested in any of them are advised to contact our study officers at mae@cerge-ei.cz, maer@cerge.ei.cz or phd@cerge-ei.cz. Further information for students who want to take part in the New Economic Talent competition is available here.

"The building will remain closed for some time, but life at CERGE-EI has not stopped. Our faculty members and students are continuing with their research and studies: they switched to an online environment surprisingly fast. Still, we are very much looking forward to coming back to regular classes," Slobodyan added.

Many of them are participating in the IDEA ANTI COVID-19 project - which aims to influence the response of the Czech Republic to the crisis and its economic aftermath. It is a unique example of the cooperation of economists from various fields united in their effort to use their skills and knowledge to help.

 "Normally, they focus on different research questions and data from a variety of countries, but there is something they have in common: a strong will to help the Czech Republic with their expertise in this challenging situation. Their solidarity makes me very proud. This is another reason to consider studying here: CERGE-EI is a very inspiring place, a unique community that is capable of producing extraordinary results," Slobodyan concluded.

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