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Project: Forecasting system for the forecast of road surface for the Czech Republic
A forecasting system for the purpose of road maintenance will be developed with special focus on winter period. The system will provide special short-range forecasts for individual motorways and political regions. The forecasts will be issued four times per day. This information will be available online in the road weather information system (SMIS). In addition, severe weather warnings will be issued if expected. They include heavy snowfall, snow drifts and glaze.
Funded by: TA ČR. TA01031509
Duration: 2011-2014
Investigator: Sokol, Z.
Tým: Bližňák V., Sedlák P., Pešice P., Chládová Z., Zacharov P., Fišer O., Hošek J., Řezáčová D.
Created by Ústav fyziky atmosféry AV ČR, v. v. i.
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