Week of Science and Technology
26 / 10 / 2020

Week of Science and Technology

We would like that from 2-8 November 2020 the Week of Science and Technology will run at the Academy of Sciences all over the Czech Republic. For events organised by the Institute of Art History see attachment. Due to the epidemiological situation, all the events will be online. more

Attached file: Program TVT 2020.pdf

Libraries and Reading Rooms Closed
21 / 10 / 2020

Libraries and Reading Rooms Closed

Due to the Resolution of the Czech Government from 21 October 2020 are all libraries and reading rooms at the IAH CAS closed for the public until further notice. We apologise for any inconvenience! more

A library weighing two tons is heading from Jerusalem to the depository in Jenštejn
14 / 10 / 2020

A library weighing two tons is heading from Jerusalem to the depository in Jenštejn

The generous gift of 3,000 titles devoted to the problem of Jerusalem was taken over today, on Wednesday, 14 October, by the Institute of Art History of the CAS. The extraordinary book collection was donated to the institute by Bianca Kühnel from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem based on her… more

Attached file: UDU Dar 3000 publikaci 1310_FINen.docx

Zelenka Conference Prague 2020
02 / 10 / 2020

Zelenka Conference Prague 2020

We cordially invite you to the Seventh Zelenka Conference to be held in Prague 16 October 2020. The conference is organized by Ensemble Inégal with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic and co-organized with the Institute of Art History, The Czech Academy of… more

Attached file: Zelenka Conference Prague 2020.pdf

International Digital Workshop: Women in Nineteenth-Century Czech Musical Culture
29 / 09 / 2020

International Digital Workshop: Women in Nineteenth-Century Czech Musical Culture

On 23–24 October 2020, the Institute of Art History, Czech Academy of Sciences, hosts an international digital workshop titled ‘Women in Nineteenth-Century Czech Musical Culture’. Registration is free and is open to everyone. However, in order to monitor numbers and, if necessary, adjust tech… more

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