Closure of the library from Thursday, 22 October 2020, until further notice

Due to the emergency measures issued by the Czech Government, the library will be closed from Thursday, October 22, 2020, until further notice.

Remote access to electronic information resources remains available for users: knav/eir/

It will be possible to make new online registrations to membership for remote access or to extend an expired membership:

Loan period of current loans that expires on October 22 or later will be extended by 14 days from the current expiration date. These days will not be count towards automatic extension.

Inter-library services are operating with certain restrictions, processing of requests may take longer than usual.

The loans can be returned into book return box located next to the entry to the pharmacy at the address Vodičkova 792/40, Prague 1. Returned document will be removed from the user account two times a week.