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Centre Telč


welcome to the website of the Centre Telč of the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the CAS, which provides information about realization and reasearch programme of this project.The project of building the research and development centre was co-funded under the Operational Programme Research and Development for Innovation from the European Regional Development Fund and from the state budget.


More info...


Announcement 1st IPERION HS TNA call

27 Oct 2020

ITAM CAS as a member of the IPERION HS consortium is delighted to announce the 1st Call for proposals on November 2nd, for Transnational Access (TNA) to a wide range of high-level scientific instruments, methodologies, data and tools for advancing knowledge and innovation in the field of Heritage Science. This call is a great opportunity to develop an idea or implement research.


Living Danube Limes - start of the project

12 Oct 2020

The EU funded project “Living Danube Limes” which comprises partners from 10 Danube countries (among which is also ITAM CAS) and sets out to implement a host of measures to protect the historic infrastructure and develop the touristic potential of the 2000 year old Roman heritage on the Danube, has started in July 2020. A special feature of the project will be the fully authentic reconstruction of a Roman Danube ship from the 4th century CE.


E-RIHS PP Final Workshop

21 Sep 2020

Invitation to the Final Workshop

ITAM CAS, as one of the partners in the E-RIHS Preparatory Phase project, invites you to participate on the final workshop of the project. During the half-day event, the results of the project, its legacy and the perspective toward E-RIHS ERIC will be presented. The workshop will be held on 23rd September, 2020.


Newsletter ITAM 1/2020

17 Jun 2020

The spring issue of ITAM CAS Newsletter has been published. You can look forward to an article from the Department of Lime Technologies about Baroque stucco techniques, using x-ray tomography, we will read a curse tablet and you will find out more about the topic of degradation of microstructure of concrete in agressive environment in an article from the Department of Materials Research. This and more, you can find in the new Newsletter 1/2020 here. The Czech version can be found here..


E-RIHS PP will continue in IPERION HS

6 Apr 2020

On the 1st of April, 2020 the new project IPERION HS of the framework programme HORIZON 2020 supported by EK officially started. One of the partners in the consorcium is also ITAM CAS.


Newsletter ProteCHt2save No. 5

20 Mar 2020

A Newsletter of the project ProteCHt2save has been published. It is the 5th newsletter of this Interreg Central Europe project.


CZ version

EN version

About the project Interreg CE ProteCHt2save

Website of the project


Winter School Scola Telcz 2020

23 Jan 2020

Interdisciplinary workshop ScolaTelcz 2020 is planned for Sunday 9th - Saturday 15th February, 2020. In the course of the interdisciplinary workshop in the UNESCO World Heritage City students of different disciplines (architecture, sociology, geography, preservation of monuments, economics, building physics, geography, etc.) from various universities (Technical University of Prague, Masaryk University of Brno, Danube University Krems) will prepare and present a revitalization concept for a former social housing building in Telč. More information and registration at




E-RIHS: 9th interim meeting

19 Dec 2019

The 9th interim meeting of the project E-RIHS PP of the HORIZON 2020 framework will be hosted by the University of Evora between 28th and 30th January, 2020.


Modelling of historical building structures

19 Dec 2019

The workshop on tools for modelling and evaluation of historical building structures is going to be held on Thursday, January 9, 2020, at 9:30AM in the building of the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Prosecká 76, 190 00, Prague 9


2nd Local Focus Group Event ProteCHt2save

17 Dec 2019

The 2nd LFG event organised by ITAM and Municipality Prague-Troja was held on 11th December, 2019 in the Troja Municipal House. Apart from updating the local stakeholders on the project progress, there were two important points on the agenda: organisation of the pilot exercise TROJAN HORSE 2019 (scheduled for 16th December, 2019 in Prague-Troja), and the presentation of the Manual for Owners [and managers of cultural heritage].



In the second half of 1990s, an increased attention was paid to the safeguarding of the built heritage and its integration into the life of contemporary society. The complexity of problems of cultural heritage called for modern interdisciplinary approach and this was started in a systematic way in 1995 by founding of a new department of the Institute - the Associated Research Centre for Historic Structures and Sites (ARCHISS) - joining together researchers from two institutes of the Academy of Sciences. The process continued, because of success in grant project competitions and now there are scientists involved in the research from other institutes and universities and two operating research units - one in Prague and one in another World Heritage City of Telč.



Roman-catholic diocese of St.Pölten and the city of Brno own a great many buildings, such as churches, rectories and monasteries. These structures do not always have a purpose, which consequently has a negative impact on urban development. Not being in use causes their decay. The current problems are of the same character on both sides of the regions' borders, caused mainly by a negative demographic development and past political events in the course of the 20th century.



Utilization of nanomaterials for sustainable conservation of historical sculptures and architectonic works of litavský limestone.  More at:


GAČR 14-20374P

Během karbonatace vápna je třeba sledovat kvantitativní zastoupení polymorfů CaCO3 (kalcit, aragonit, vaterit) a jejich formační kinetiku. Relativní množství odlišných krystalických forem CaCO3 silně ovlivňuje vlastnosti vápenných malt. Kinetika procesu karbonatace a tvorba polymorfů CaCO3 ve vápenných pastách a omítkách bude zkoumána rentgenovou práškovou difrakcí, Ramanovou spektroskopií a infračervenou spektroskopií s Fourierovou transformací. Termogravimetrická analýza bude použita k určení stupně hydratace a rovněž karbonatace. Skenovací elektronová mikroskopie bude použita ke zkoumání mikrostruktury vzorků na morfologickém základu. Vápenné omítky jsou důležitým stavebním materiálem a v oblasti kulturního dědictví hrají klíčovou roli jako optimální materiál pro opravu historických budov. Očekává se, že výsledky této studie budou mít zásadní přínos ke stávajícím znalostem o kinetickém chování, vývoji fází a morfologii během karbonatační reakce vápenných past a malt.
