Postdoctoral position on electron collisions with cold molecules

A postdoctoral position is available in the group of Juraj Fedor at J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry in Prague, Czech Republic.

The postdocs will work on the experimental project related to dynamics on ultrafast nuclear motion in molecular systems. The dynamics will be triggered by formation of resonances formed in the electron-molecule collisions. The Prague laboratory is equipped with a unique infrastructure (three setups) for characterizing various decay channels of resonances. Within the project, the postdoc will work on the velocity map imaging setup equipped with a delay-line time-and-position sensitive detector. Currently, we have started to implement supersonic molecular beam source for the production of cold molecules. The first task of the postdoc will be to finalize and test the setup. Subsequently he or she will perform experiments elucidating electron-induced dynamics in cold molecules and their small clusters, especially microhydrated molecules.

Few recent group’s publications relevant to this project:

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.143402

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.99.052705

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.203401

DOI: 10.1063/5.0008897

Required Research Experiences



  • RESEARCH FIELD: Chemistry


Offer Requirements


    Physics: PhD or equivalent

    Chemistry: PhD or equivalent


PhD in experimental AMO physics, physical chemistry or chemical physics. Experience with operation (and, ideally construction) of laboratory instrumentation using high-vacuum technologies and laboratory electronics (pulsing systems, signal detection electronics). Prior experience with molecular beams, electron beams, imaging detectors are strong assets. Programing experience for data analysis, e.g. in Matlab, is an advantage. Good communication skills in English are important, as we are an international team with many collaborations.


  • 25 days paid leave of absence (holidays) per year
  • 3 days of paid sick-leave in addition to the statutory insurance
  • Lunch vouchers
  • Subsidy for sport and cultural activities

Eligibility criteria

Application form with CV, brief summary of previous research incl. details on fulfilling the requirements and necessary skills, list of publications, diploma copy, names plus e-mail addresses of 1 - 2 references.

Selection process

The candidate must prove she/he meets the specific requirements and has the skills/qualifications given above. Eligible candidates will then be assessed based on the quality of their previous works, their contribution to the publications and the relevance of their expertise to the planned job tasks. Additional experience, not detailed in the requirements above, will also be taken into account if relevant.

Additional comments

By providing us your personal data in your CV, you have allowed J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry to process and file your CV in the HR database. Your personal data will be used for the internal HR needs of J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry only.

At the same time you confirm herewith that the personal data as stated in the CV you have sent to us is true and accurate.

Position starts: 01/01/2021

Type of contract: Temporary

Hours per week: 40

Job location: Prague

For inquiries contact Juraj Fedor,, +420 26605 3206



Application deadline
13. 10. 2020