Contentment with Life - September 2020


In the September 2020 survey the Public Opinion Research Centre of the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic posed to all respondents a question: "How satisfied are you with your life? Are you very satisfied, rather satisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, rather dissatisfied, very dissatisfied?"

66% of Czech citizens are satisfied with their life, 10% are dissatisfied, and 24% are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.

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The new coronavirus - interest, concerns and expectation of the Czech public - September 2020


In its research, the Public Opinion Research Center focused on the coronavirus crisis and citizens' experiences with it. In September three quarters (75%) of Czech citizens over the age of 15 were interested in the situation regarding the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19 and almost three-fifths (57%) of Czech citizens were worried about their own health.

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Attitudes of the Czech public towards wearing face masks – September 2020


In September the Public Opinion Research Centre asked a set of questions related to wearing a face mask associated with the covid-19 viral disease pandemic. Most citizens (69 %) consider face masks to be an effective measure against covid-19 about a quarter (26%) consider them ineffective.

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Public on Special Schools and Inclusive Education - September 2020


In September 2020 the Public Opinion Research Centre examined views of the Czech public on the creation of special schools in compulsory nine-year basic education and views on whether the children with physical or mental disabilities, children from poor or vice versa from wealthy families, children of foreign nationals, Roma children and gifted children should be educated in mainstream classes.

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Education during Coronavirus Crisis - September 2020


More than half (51%) of the Czech public believed that the government should not cloused all schools once the coronavirus spread worsened, more than two-fifths (42%) belive the government should do that. People do not make a significant difference between distance education at primary and secondary level, as in both cases around two thirds of respondents agreed that it should be compulsory for all children in the event of school closure.

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Attitudes of the Czech society towards an amendment of a law about Czech educational system, higher education fees and standardized secondary school graduation tests – September 2020


In September, the Public Opinion Research Centre asked a set of questions related to attitudes of the Czech citizens towards an amendment of a law about Czech educational system. Simultaneously, the Public Opinion Research Centre probed opinions about standardized secondary school graduation tests and fees for the higher education.

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Evaluation of the the Czech Education System and Opportunities to Receive Education by Czech Public – September 2020


A regular CVVM survey in September 2020 investigated the opinions of the Czech Public on the level of education in selected types of schools and the opportunities to receive education in the Czech Republic.

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The new coronavirus - interest, experience and concerns of the Czech public - July 2020


In its research, the Public Opinion Research Center focused on the coronavirus crisis and citizens' experiences with it. In July, more than three quarters (77%) of Czech citizens over the age of 15 were interested in the situation regarding the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19.

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Czech Public on Global Environmental Problems - June 2020


In June within the regular research the Centre for Public Opinion Research focused on the environment. Representatives of the Czech population answered questions on particular environmental phenomena in the sense of their problematic character. As the most serious problems were stated the garbage cumulation (for 65 % “very serious" problem) and the drinking water deprivation (for 62 % "very serious" problem).

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Attitudes of the Czech Public to Climate Change on Earth – July 2020


In July survey CVVM dealt with very discussed topic, which is climate change on Earth. We were interested in what the Czech public thinks about this topic.

More than half (53%) of respondents are interested in climate change.

According to the vast majority (86%) of the Czech public, climate change has occurred on Earth in the last 100 years.

Approximately one in nine out of ten respondents (89%) think that human activity contributes to climate change.

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