Public on Special Schools and Inclusive Education - September 2020


In September 2020 the Public Opinion Research Centre examined views of the Czech public on the creation of special schools in compulsory nine-year basic education and views on whether the children with physical or mental disabilities, children from poor or vice versa from wealthy families, children of foreign nationals, Roma children and gifted children should be educated in mainstream classes.

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Education during Coronavirus Crisis - September 2020


More than half (51%) of the Czech public believed that the government should not cloused all schools once the coronavirus spread worsened, more than two-fifths (42%) belive the government should do that. People do not make a significant difference between distance education at primary and secondary level, as in both cases around two thirds of respondents agreed that it should be compulsory for all children in the event of school closure.

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Attitudes of the Czech society towards an amendment of a law about Czech educational system, higher education fees and standardized secondary school graduation tests – September 2020


In September, the Public Opinion Research Centre asked a set of questions related to attitudes of the Czech citizens towards an amendment of a law about Czech educational system. Simultaneously, the Public Opinion Research Centre probed opinions about standardized secondary school graduation tests and fees for the higher education.

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Evaluation of the the Czech Education System and Opportunities to Receive Education by Czech Public – September 2020


A regular CVVM survey in September 2020 investigated the opinions of the Czech Public on the level of education in selected types of schools and the opportunities to receive education in the Czech Republic.

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Czech citizens relationship to the public holidays – october 2019


In october survey of CVVM citizens expressed their opinion on how important it is to remind the importance of Czech public and other holidays.

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Czech citizens' relationship to the Czech republic - October 2019


In October survey CVVM focused on the subject of Czech citizens' relationship to the Czech republic. 53 % of respondents said that they are proud of Czech citizenship. On the contrary only 6 % are ashamed of Czech citizenship and 39 % Czech citizens are niether proud nor ashamed.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<

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Attitudes of the Czech society towards an amendment of a law about Czech educational system, higher education fees and standardized secondary school graduation tests – September 2019


In September, the Public Opinion Research Centre asked a set of questions related to attitudes of the Czech citizens towards an amendment of a law about Czech educational system. Simultaneously, the Public Opinion Research Centre probed opinions about standardized secondary school graduation tests and fees for the higher education.

>> Fulltext is available in Czech only <<

All reports from this survey

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Evaluation of the the Czech Education System and Opportunities to Receive Education by Czech Public – September 2019


A regular CVVM survey in September 2019 investigated the opinions of the Czech Public on the level of education and the opportunities to receive education in the Czech Republic. More specifically, the questions were focused on the level of education in selected types of schools, the possibility to gain education based on one´s abilities, the evaluation of one´s own education in terms of developing certain skills and competences and how the educational system is able to develop different aspects of pupils and students.

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Attitude of Czech Public to genetically modified food – April 2019


In April 2019 Public Opinion Research Centre included a block of questions connected to genetically modified food. Specifically, it was investigated whether respondents are familiar with the issue. Respondents commented their interest in genetically modified food. Subsequently, how often respondents monitor data on genetically modifying food or product ingredients on product labels. The last part of the block was a set of statements regarding the safety and moral acceptance of eating such food, scientific knowledge of their impact on human health and the buying genetically modified food.

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Throwing Away Fruit and Vegetables with Imperfections as a Form of Food Waste – April 2019


As a part of its April survey, CVVM asked respondents several questions about food and, above all, food waste. Part of this block was constituted of questions dedicated to the purchase of visually not quite perfect fruit and vegetables. The respondents were specifically expressing what foods they would choose if they had possibility to choose from - whether perfect or less perfect and whether they would even think about the appearance of the selected vegetable or fruit. They also chose the reasons that would lead them to this choice. One of the questions was also focused on who, according to the respondents, decides which fruit and vegetables are going to get into the counter at the shops. The last point was respondents´ estimation of wasted food share due to visual imperfections towards total production.
According to results of the research, Czech consumers would prefer visually perfect fruit and vegetables before those with imperfections. This type of food have elected 55% of respondents. Among possible reasons that lead them to prefer perfect food, people chose mainly easier cutting and cleaning. Many respondents also think that buying visually perfect food is commonly normal.

All reports from this survey

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