Centre of Global Studies

Assoc. prof. PhDr. Marek Hrubec, Ph.D.deputy director
Mgr. Martin Brabec, Ph.D.staff
Mgr. Martin Brabec, Ph.D.
Zora Hesová, M. A., Ph.D.
Marie Hlavičková
Assoc. Prof. PhDr. Marek Hrubec, Ph.D.
Albert Kasanda, Ph.D.
Mgr. Jiří Krejčík, Ph.D.
PhDr. RNDr. Milan Kreuzzieger, Ph.D.
PhDr. Miroslav Pauza, CSc.
PhDr. Martin Profant, Ph.D.
Mgr. Jan Rovenský, Ph.D.
PhDr. Oleg Suša, CSc.
Mgr. Zdeněk Vopat
The Centre of Global Studies focuses on an interdisciplinary research in the fields of philosophy and social science, and develops Czech research within the European and world frameworks. It analyses contemporary political, social and cultural changes which, as a consequence of the global interactions, influence the lives of individuals and whole societies. It studies these contemporary themes in the Czech, European and global contexts. The results of this scientific project can be used not only in the area of philosophical and social scientific research but also in civil society, public administration and public media.
The project helps to develop critical thinking and cooperation between several so far rather separate scientific disciplines in order to articulate new issues and themes, and to elaborate theories which are linked with them. It focuses mainly on the themes of justice, legitimacy, participation, and democracy in the contemporary global age in terms of social and political philosophy, sociology, political science, and cultural studies.
The members of the Centre of Global Studies participate in the Research Program “Global Conflicts and Local Interactions” Strategy AV21 which is coordinated by Marek Hrubec, Director of the Centre of Global Studies. The Research Program includes more than 50 scholars, including legal scholars, sociologists, political scientists, anthropologists, ethnologists, and historians from various institutions.
The members of the Centre of Global Studies have continuously developed projects closely with the Global Studies Association of North America (Chicago) and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Beijing), for example, the research grant on Transformations of Societies in Global Interactions: China, the EU, the USA (2018–2020).
Specific focuses
Pillar 1: Justice, legitimacy, participation and democracy. The research of justice, legitimacy, participation, and democracy mainly in connection with the key and alternative paradigmatic approaches to global issues.
Pillar 2: Recognition of cultural differences and social integration. The research of the recognition of cultural differences and social integration mainly in the context of a relation between autonomy and plurality, and with the relation between freedom and equality – in the cultural and intercultural frameworks.
Pillar 3: Human rights, state sovereignty, intervention, and environmental issues. The research of social, economic, cultural, political and civic human rights, a principle of sovereignty, military interventions, and environmental issues, within the international and global communities.
Selected publications from 2015–2019
Hrubec, Marek. Social and environmental conflicts or sustainable development? In: Thematic issue: Desenvolvimento sustentável? Conflitos sociais e ambientais. Sustainable development? Social and environmental conflicts. Civitas. 2019, vol. 19, n. 2, pp. 281-295. ISSN 1519-6089.
Suša, Oleg, Global Risks and Conflicts: Social, Environmental, and Political Consequences. Critical Sociology, Vol. 45, Issue 6, September 2019, pp. 829 - 843. ISSN: 0896-9205.
Pauza, Miroslav. Idea strukturální demokracie: politická filosofie na principu respektu k řádu skutečnosti. Praha, Filosofia 2019, 850 str.
Kasanda, Albert. Contemporary African Social and Political Philosophy: Trends, Debates and Challenges. London: Routledge, 2018. 174 s.
De Oliveira, Nythamar – Hrubec, Marek – Sobottka, Emil (eds.), From Social to Cyber Justice: Critical Views on Justice, Law and Ethics. Prague: Filosofi a – Porto Alegre: PUCRS, 2018. 435 s.
Kasanda, Albert. Afropolitanism as a critique of conventional narratives of African identity and emancipation. Human Affairs. Roč. 28, č. 4 (2018), s. 379–394.
Suša, Oleg – Hrubec, Marek a kol. Riziková společnost a globální ohrožení. Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství, 2017, 372 s.
Štěch, Ondřej (ed.). Náboženství a sekularita. Zápas o veřejný prostor. Praha: Filosofia, 2017, 221 s.
Hrubec, Marek – Bittar, Eduardo. The Era of Global Disputes and Mass Media Distortions. Dialogue on Recognition, Justice and Democracy. Communication Today, 2017, roč. 8, č. 2, s. 146–155.
Hrubec, Marek, Arnason, Johann P. (eds.). Social Transformations and Revolutions. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2016.
Suša, Oleg, Sťahel, Richard. Environmentální devastace a sociální destrukce. Praha: Filosofia 2016.
Brabec, Martin. Recognition of Laborers as Citizens: First Worker Democracy versus Liberal Capitalist Democracy. Perspectives on Global Development and Technology. 2016, roč. 15, č. 1/2, s. 157–165.
Hrubec, Marek. A Comparison of Models of Economic Democracy: Towards the World of Shared Sovereignty. Perspectives on Global Development and Technology. 2016, roč. 15, č. 1–2, s. 143–156. Brill, Netherlands. ISSN: 156–1500.
Hrubec, Marek. Conflicts of the Global State. International Critical Thought. 2016, roč. 6, č. 3, s. 378–392. Routledge, United Kingdom.
Hrubec, Marek, Hammer, Frank. The Decline of the Industrial Detroit. Perspectives on Global Development and Technology, 2016, roč. 15, s. 63–83. Brill, Netherlands.
Hrubec, M. – de Oliveira, N. – Sobottka, E. – Saavedra, G. (eds.), Justice and Recognition. Porto Alegre: PUCRS – Prague: Filosofia 2015, 458 s. ISBN 978-80-7007-435-0
Hrubec, M., Feizhengyi de Pipan Gainian (A Critical Concept of Injustice). Shijie Zhexue (World Philosophy), No. 1, 2015, s. 148–159 (Beijing, China). ISSN 1671-4318.
Lánský, O., Je třeba zavrhnout liberalismus? Praha, Filosofi a, 220 s. ISBN 978-80-7007-439-8.