The theoretical part of the study explains basic approaches from the field of housing careers. The analytic part of the study is based on an observation of the personal housing histories, in the period between 1960 and 2001, of Czech citizens, who were respondents in the Housing Attitudes in the Czech Republic 2001 survey. A comparison of the behaviour in the age 14 - 24 age cohort of respondents from various age categories made it possible to formulate a hypothesis on the homogeneity of the early phases of the housing careers of people who at the time of the survey were aged 25 and over. At the same time it was possible to observe certain signs of a specific behaviour among the respondents in the youngest age category. With the aid of the method of logistic regression comparisons were made of the chances that in the past the respondents have moved, in the light of some knowledge of the circumstances characterising the early phases of their housing careers. Using the method of loglinear analysis respondents typical for the most frequent types of housing careers were identified.
Sunega, Petr, Daniel Čermák, Zdenka Vajdová
Dráhy bydlení v ČR 1960-2001. Minulá, současná a budoucí stěhování občanů ČR ve výzkumu postojů k bydlení
Sunega, Petr, Daniel Čermák, Zdenka Vajdová. 2002. Dráhy bydlení v ČR 1960-2001. Minulá, současná a budoucí stěhování občanů ČR ve výzkumu postojů k bydlení. Sociologické texty / Sociological Papers 02:5. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR. 97 s. ISBN 80-7330-018-4.
migration and mobility
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