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3 Sep 16 - 5 Nov 21
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Neviditelný rytíř s nástrahami VÁCLAV SMYČKA Napsat čtivou knihu, která je plná informací o něčem tak odborném, jako je česky a německy psaná literatura...
Future of Czech and Polish Literary Bibliography − zpráva o řešení projektu ANNA GNOT — VOJTĚCH MALÍNEK — GABRIELA ROMANOVÁ — PIOTR WCIŚLIK   Rok 2015 lze v kontextu vývoje mezinárodní...
Čemu se smál středověký člověk? JAN MALURA V minulosti se poměrně často připomínal výrok německého pozitivistického filologa Wilhelma Scherera, podle...

The “Czech Library” (Česká knižnice) is a publication series that has been conceived over a long period of time that aims to present representative and textually reliable versions of major works of Czech literature from its origins to the present day. From 1997-2015 84 volumes have been published in the “Czech Library” series. More than a third of authors of these books ranked on the CERMAT (Centre for Evaluation of Educational Achievement) list for the testing of Czech Language and Literature.


At the beginning of 2016 The Institute of Czech Literature became the co-publisher of the “Czech Library” series, its editorial and textology departments ensure high-quality editorship of the series. Based upon a cooperation agreement between the ICL and the Czech Library Endowment Fund (NFČK) an Editorial Board of the Czech Library was established. Their task is tocreate an editorial program and manage all the work necessary to complete the preparation and publication of individual volumes and to take all other decisions related to the publication of the book series. In 2016, four new volumes of the Czech Library series will be released along with one reissue of a successful volume that has already sold out. The program brochure is available for download here.


The Editorial Board of the “Czech Library” series operating from 1. 2. 2016 consisted of:

Mgr. Jiří Flaišman, Ph.D. (ÚČL) – Chairman

prof. PhDr. Jiří Holý, DrSc. (NFČK)

Ing. Pavel Janáček, Ph.D. (ÚČL)

Mgr. Jan Linka (ÚČL)

Mgr. Filip Tomáš, Ph.D. (NFČK)

PhDr. Martin Valášek, Ph.D. (NFČK)


Secretary of the Editorial Board of the “Czech Library” series:

PhDr. Petra Hesová


The cooperation of the ICL during the publication of the “Czech Library” series is part of the Academy of Sciences AV21 strategy. The series of editions is released by the publishing house ‘Host’ and with thanks to the long-term support of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.