Theory and calculations of electron scattering for needs of nanolithography
Grant Agency
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic
Development and Application of Quantum Chemical Methods
Year from
Year to
The subject of the COST Action CM1301 deals with the development of methods known under the acronym FEBID (Focused Electron Beam Induced Deposition). It concerns the deposition of fragments formed by decomposition of molecules of a volatile precursor on a surface of a solid. The process is induced by an electron beam. The objective is to obtain deposited three-dimensional structures with the size of less than 10 nm, that are used in nanotechnologies. For scientific and commercial success of such a technology (called nanolithography) it is necessary to look for new precursors suitable for FEBID, and by means of both experiment and theory to understand better mechanism of chemical reactions of precursors molecule induced by electron impact. The experience accummulated so far shows that the first step in many of these reactions is initiated by vibrational excitation of molecules by electron impact.
The applicant is expert in this field of theoretical chemical physics and because of his recent achievements the coordinator of the Action CM1301, Prof. Petra Swiderek, University of Bremen, invited his team to join the Action. The scope of the Action is largely experimental, with the participation of a few industrial companies. The task of the applicant’s group is to help experimentalists in their search for new precursors and optimum reaction conditions. The tool of the applicant’s group are calculations based on the quantum theory of electron scattering by polyatomic molecules. The aim of this project is to look for optimum electron energy and chemical structure of precursors for their vibrational excitation.
Mgr. ČURÍK Roman Ph.D.
