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EuDML makes the mathematics literature available online, in the form of an enduring digital collection, developed and maintained by the network of institutions called the EuDML Initiative.

EuDML Network

We invite publishers, digital content providers, digitization projects and developers to join the EuDML Initiative, in an international partnership towards the extended and long lasting Mathematics Digital Library.Become a Partner

Developers Corner

We are open to share our experience and developed tools. We are keen to cooperate with developers involved in other digitization projects.Developers Corner

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JEMS available in the EuDML

Journal of the European Mathematical Society has been included in the EuDML. Its whole content is available there with a 5 years moving wall. The data is served by the Czech Digital Mathematics Library. We hope that further journals of the EMS Publishing House will follow.…

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  • The EuDML Initiative General Assembly Read More
  • The EuDML Scientific Advisory Board set up Read More