Combinatorial group

Upcoming events

Past events

24.9.2020: Seminar talk entitled Condiciones tipo-Pósa para potencias de ciclos hamiltonianos at University of Chile Graph Seminar (N.S.)

19.10.2020: Talk entitled Minimum degree conditions for tight Hamilton cycles at the 55th Czech-Slovak Conference on Graph Theory 2020 (N.S.)

August 17-20.8.2020: Participation to the 55th Czech-Slovak Conference on Graph Theory 2020 (N.S.) - EmPaLi

8.12.2019-15.1.2020: research visit to Indian Statistical Institute (A.A.) - TerVor

Events marked with "- EmPaLi" were (partially) funded by the project Embedding, Packing and Limits in Graphs from the Czech Science Foundation under the project number GA19-08740S.
Events marked with "- TerVor" were (partially) funded by the project Structural properties of visibility in terrains and farthest color Voronoi diagrams from the Czech Science Foundation under the project number GJ19-06792Y.